Package: MsBackendTimsTof
Authors: Johannes Rainer [aut, cre] (, Andrea Vicini [aut] (, Steffen Neumann [ctb] (, Carolin Huber [ctb] (
Compiled: Fri Apr 8 13:01:26 2022


The Spectra package provides a central infrastructure for the handling of Mass Spectrometry (MS) data. The package supports interchangeable use of different backends to import MS data from a variety of sources (such as mzML files). The MsBackendTimsTof package adds support for Bruker TimsTOF raw data files. This vignette shows how, and which data can be retrieved from such files.


The package depends on the OpenTIMS C++ library to access data in timsTOF Pro data format (TDF) which is provided by the opentimsr R package. The MsBackendTimsTof package can be installed with:


To get some variables from the data files an additional library from the manufacturer is needed. This library can be downloaded with:

so_folder <- tempdir()
so_file <- download_bruker_proprietary_code(so_folder)

This downloads the shared library to a temporary folder. Note however that at present this shared library is only available for Windows and Linux (i.e. no macOS support). Next, to use this library, it has to be registered with the opentimsr package:

These steps would be necessary for every new R session. To avoid that, it is suggested to copy the downloaded shared library above to a directory on the computer and to define an environment variable called TIMSTOF_LIB that defines the full path where this file is located (i.e. a character string defining the full file path with the file name). This variable can either be defined system wide, or within the .Rprofile file. An example entry in a .Rprofile could for example be:

options(TIMSTOF_LIB = "/Users/jo/lib/")

Accessing data from Bruker TimsTOF files

The MsBackendTimsTof package adds support for Bruker TimsTOF files to Spectra-based analysis workflows. Below we load the package and in addition fetch the required shared library and store that to a temporary folder.


## Load the opentimsr package and download and register the shared library
so_folder <- tempdir()
so_file <- download_bruker_proprietary_code(so_folder, method = "wget")
## [1] "Downloading 64-bit Linux binary."
## [1] "Downloading from:"

As detailed in the installation section, the code to download the shared library would only be necessary once, if the path to this file is defined in a environment variable TIMSTOF_LIB.

We next load the TDF test file which is bundled within this package.

fl <- system.file("ddaPASEF.d", package = "MsBackendTimsTof")

be <- backendInitialize(MsBackendTimsTof(), fl)

In a real use case, we would however directly load the data into a Spectra object:

sps <- Spectra(fl, source = MsBackendTimsTof())
## MSn data (Spectra) with 9120 spectra in a MsBackendTimsTof backend:
##        msLevel precursorMz  polarity
##      <integer>   <numeric> <integer>
## 1            1          NA         1
## 2            1          NA         1
## 3            1          NA         1
## 4            1          NA         1
## 5            1          NA         1
## ...        ...         ...       ...
## 9116         1          NA         1
## 9117         1          NA         1
## 9118         1          NA         1
## 9119         1          NA         1
## 9120         1          NA         1
##  ... 35 more variables/columns.
##  Use  'spectraVariables' to list all of them.

We thus have access to all spectra variables within the file:

##  [1] "msLevel"                 "rtime"                  
##  [3] "acquisitionNum"          "scanIndex"              
##  [5] "mz"                      "intensity"              
##  [7] "dataStorage"             "dataOrigin"             
##  [9] "centroided"              "smoothed"               
## [11] "polarity"                "precScanNum"            
## [13] "precursorMz"             "precursorIntensity"     
## [15] "precursorCharge"         "collisionEnergy"        
## [17] "isolationWindowLowerMz"  "isolationWindowTargetMz"
## [19] "isolationWindowUpperMz"  "tof"                    
## [21] "inv_ion_mobility"        "frameId"                
## [23] "ScanMode"                "MsMsType"               
## [25] "TimsId"                  "MaxIntensity"           
## [27] "SummedIntensities"       "NumScans"               
## [29] "NumPeaks"                "MzCalibration"          
## [31] "T1"                      "T2"                     
## [33] "TimsCalibration"         "PropertyGroup"          
## [35] "AccumulationTime"        "RampTime"               
## [37] "Pressure"                "file"

And the full data can be retrieved with spectraData:

all <- spectraData(be)
## DataFrame with 9120 rows and 38 columns
##        msLevel     rtime acquisitionNum scanIndex              mz     intensity
##      <integer> <numeric>      <integer> <integer>   <NumericList> <NumericList>
## 1            1  0.218626             NA       218         1221.98            52
## 2            1  0.218626             NA       220            1222            93
## 3            1  0.218626             NA       221         1221.99           108
## 4            1  0.218626             NA       222 1222.00,1224.01         38,57
## 5            1  0.218626             NA       223 1222.00,1222.02         61,34
## ...        ...       ...            ...       ...             ...           ...
## 9116         1    6.7812             NA       719          425.83            82
## 9117         1    6.7812             NA       723          425.84            78
## 9118         1    6.7812             NA       726          425.84            89
## 9119         1    6.7812             NA       727         425.837            50
## 9120         1    6.7812             NA       730         738.739            77
##                 dataStorage  dataOrigin centroided  smoothed  polarity
##                 <character> <character>  <logical> <logical> <integer>
## 1    /__w/_temp/Library/M..          NA         NA        NA         1
## 2    /__w/_temp/Library/M..          NA         NA        NA         1
## 3    /__w/_temp/Library/M..          NA         NA        NA         1
## 4    /__w/_temp/Library/M..          NA         NA        NA         1
## 5    /__w/_temp/Library/M..          NA         NA        NA         1
## ...                     ...         ...        ...       ...       ...
## 9116 /__w/_temp/Library/M..          NA         NA        NA         1
## 9117 /__w/_temp/Library/M..          NA         NA        NA         1
## 9118 /__w/_temp/Library/M..          NA         NA        NA         1
## 9119 /__w/_temp/Library/M..          NA         NA        NA         1
## 9120 /__w/_temp/Library/M..          NA         NA        NA         1
##      precScanNum precursorMz precursorIntensity precursorCharge collisionEnergy
##        <integer>   <numeric>          <numeric>       <integer>       <numeric>
## 1             NA          NA                 NA              NA              NA
## 2             NA          NA                 NA              NA              NA
## 3             NA          NA                 NA              NA              NA
## 4             NA          NA                 NA              NA              NA
## 5             NA          NA                 NA              NA              NA
## ...          ...         ...                ...             ...             ...
## 9116          NA          NA                 NA              NA              NA
## 9117          NA          NA                 NA              NA              NA
## 9118          NA          NA                 NA              NA              NA
## 9119          NA          NA                 NA              NA              NA
## 9120          NA          NA                 NA              NA              NA
##      isolationWindowLowerMz isolationWindowTargetMz isolationWindowUpperMz
##                   <numeric>               <numeric>              <numeric>
## 1                        NA                      NA                     NA
## 2                        NA                      NA                     NA
## 3                        NA                      NA                     NA
## 4                        NA                      NA                     NA
## 5                        NA                      NA                     NA
## ...                     ...                     ...                    ...
## 9116                     NA                      NA                     NA
## 9117                     NA                      NA                     NA
## 9118                     NA                      NA                     NA
## 9119                     NA                      NA                     NA
## 9120                     NA                      NA                     NA
##                tof inv_ion_mobility   frameId  ScanMode  MsMsType    TimsId
##      <NumericList>        <numeric> <integer> <integer> <integer> <integer>
## 1           315091          1.39278         1         8         0         0
## 2           315094          1.39053         1         8         0         0
## 3           315092          1.38940         1         8         0         0
## 4    315093,315457          1.38827         1         8         0         0
## 5    315094,315097          1.38715         1         8         0         0
## ...            ...              ...       ...       ...       ...       ...
## 9116        134284         0.831408        52         8         0    208896
## 9117        134287         0.826949        52         8         0    208896
## 9118        134287         0.823604        52         8         0    208896
## 9119        134286         0.822490        52         8         0    208896
## 9120        216904         0.819146        52         8         0    208896
##      MaxIntensity SummedIntensities  NumScans  NumPeaks MzCalibration        T1
##         <integer>         <integer> <integer> <integer>     <integer> <numeric>
## 1             734             44601       927       348             1    25.143
## 2             734             44601       927       348             1    25.143
## 3             734             44601       927       348             1    25.143
## 4             734             44601       927       348             1    25.143
## 5             734             44601       927       348             1    25.143
## ...           ...               ...       ...       ...           ...       ...
## 9116          742             42368       927       304             1    25.143
## 9117          742             42368       927       304             1    25.143
## 9118          742             42368       927       304             1    25.143
## 9119          742             42368       927       304             1    25.143
## 9120          742             42368       927       304             1    25.143
##             T2 TimsCalibration PropertyGroup AccumulationTime  RampTime
##      <numeric>       <integer>     <integer>        <numeric> <numeric>
## 1      23.9875               1             1          100.008   100.008
## 2      23.9875               1             1          100.008   100.008
## 3      23.9875               1             1          100.008   100.008
## 4      23.9875               1             1          100.008   100.008
## 5      23.9875               1             1          100.008   100.008
## ...        ...             ...           ...              ...       ...
## 9116   23.9898               1             1          100.008   100.008
## 9117   23.9898               1             1          100.008   100.008
## 9118   23.9898               1             1          100.008   100.008
## 9119   23.9898               1             1          100.008   100.008
## 9120   23.9898               1             1          100.008   100.008
##       Pressure      file
##      <numeric> <integer>
## 1      2.57282         1
## 2      2.57282         1
## 3      2.57282         1
## 4      2.57282         1
## 5      2.57282         1
## ...        ...       ...
## 9116   2.57283         1
## 9117   2.57283         1
## 9118   2.57283         1
## 9119   2.57283         1
## 9120   2.57283         1

The data is organized by individual spectra, all spectra measured within the same frame have the same value in the spectra variable "frameId". Spectra variable "inv_ion_mobility" provides the inverse ion mobility information. This variable is available as a spectra variable, but also as a peaks variable along with e.g. "tof".

Below we subset the backend to a range of spectra and extract their peaksData.

be_sub <- be[218:226]
peaksData(be_sub, columns = c("mz", "intensity", "tof", "inv_ion_mobility",
## [[1]]
##            mz intensity    tof inv_ion_mobility retention_time
## [1,] 1221.984         9 315091         1.350001       0.344953
## [[2]]
##            mz intensity    tof inv_ion_mobility retention_time
## [1,] 1221.995        38 315093         1.346626       0.344953
## [[3]]
##           mz intensity    tof inv_ion_mobility retention_time
## [1,] 1221.99        81 315092           1.3455       0.344953
## [[4]]
##            mz intensity    tof inv_ion_mobility retention_time
## [1,] 921.9951        73 257110          1.19156       0.344953
## [[5]]
##            mz intensity    tof inv_ion_mobility retention_time
## [1,] 922.0047        83 257112         1.190438       0.344953
## [[6]]
##            mz intensity    tof inv_ion_mobility retention_time
## [1,] 922.0047        43 257112         1.189316       0.344953
## [2,] 923.0103        71 257321         1.189316       0.344953
## [[7]]
##            mz intensity    tof inv_ion_mobility retention_time
## [1,] 921.9999       123 257111         1.188193       0.344953
## [[8]]
##            mz intensity    tof inv_ion_mobility retention_time
## [1,] 921.9999        47 257111         1.187071       0.344953
## [2,] 923.0248        18 257324         1.187071       0.344953
## [[9]]
##            mz intensity    tof inv_ion_mobility retention_time
## [1,] 923.0248        83 257324         1.185949       0.344953

Note however that both the "inv_ion_mobility" and "retention_time" have the same value for all peaks in each spectrum. Thus, these variables should be accessed not through peaksData, but through spectraData or using the $ operator or the dedicated rtime function. Below we extract the inverse ion mobility values and display the first 6 of them.

## [1] 1.392779 1.390527 1.389401 1.388274 1.387148 1.386022

Session information

## R Under development (unstable) (2022-03-14 r81896)
## Platform: x86_64-pc-linux-gnu (64-bit)
## Running under: Ubuntu 20.04.4 LTS
## Matrix products: default
## BLAS/LAPACK: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/openblas-pthread/
## locale:
##  [1] LC_CTYPE=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NUMERIC=C              
##  [3] LC_TIME=en_US.UTF-8        LC_COLLATE=en_US.UTF-8    
##  [5] LC_MONETARY=en_US.UTF-8    LC_MESSAGES=en_US.UTF-8   
##  [7] LC_PAPER=en_US.UTF-8       LC_NAME=C                 
##  [9] LC_ADDRESS=C               LC_TELEPHONE=C            
## attached base packages:
## [1] stats4    stats     graphics  grDevices utils     datasets  methods  
## [8] base     
## other attached packages:
## [1] opentimsr_1.0.13       MsBackendTimsTof_0.1.1 Spectra_1.5.16        
## [4] ProtGenerics_1.27.2    BiocParallel_1.29.20   S4Vectors_0.33.17     
## [7] BiocGenerics_0.41.2    BiocStyle_2.23.1      
## loaded via a namespace (and not attached):
##  [1] Rcpp_1.0.8.3        bslib_0.3.1         compiler_4.2.0     
##  [4] BiocManager_1.30.16 jquerylib_0.1.4     tools_4.2.0        
##  [7] bit_4.0.4           digest_0.6.29       RSQLite_2.2.12     
## [10] jsonlite_1.8.0      evaluate_0.15       memoise_2.0.1      
## [13] clue_0.3-60         pkgconfig_2.0.3     rlang_1.0.2        
## [16] DBI_1.1.2           cli_3.2.0           yaml_2.3.5         
## [19] parallel_4.2.0      pkgdown_2.0.2.9000  xfun_0.30          
## [22] fastmap_1.1.0       cluster_2.1.3       stringr_1.4.0      
## [25] knitr_1.38          vctrs_0.4.0         desc_1.4.1         
## [28] fs_1.5.2            sass_0.4.1          systemfonts_1.0.4  
## [31] IRanges_2.29.1      MsCoreUtils_1.7.4   bit64_4.0.5        
## [34] rprojroot_2.0.3     R6_2.5.1            textshaping_0.3.6  
## [37] rmarkdown_2.13      bookdown_0.25       blob_1.2.2         
## [40] purrr_0.3.4         magrittr_2.0.3      htmltools_0.5.2    
## [43] MASS_7.3-56         ragg_1.2.2          stringi_1.7.6      
## [46] cachem_1.0.6