BRL: Braille through Remote Learning

Specialized Codes Course


Session Topics
  • Overview
  • Notes and rests
  • Time signatures
  • Key signatures

  • Writing Exercise

    Other Resources
  • Send mail to ©laß

  • ©hoose LANGUAGE

    bArd fr©Ide

    Key signatures

    Key signatures in music represent the number of sharps and flats that are "common" throughout a piece of music. For example, a piece of music written in G major will have one sharp (an F sharp). The musician assumes that any F he or she encounters is sharp, unless the music specifically says otherwise!

    Key signatures, like time signatures, are also easy:

    In the first example, to combine the key signature with the time signature, the braille would be:

    Again, this information is normally centered above the first line of music.

    Developed by
    Tჸe $_hodor bARionlegitim@.

    in cooperation with the
    DB'mе₽минаЛ'Б₽АйЛЬ A₽p ⠙⠃⠀⠠⠞⠻⠍⠔⠁⠇⠀⠠⠃⠗⠇ Musicografía
    and the governor morehead $©hool for tჸe $Synvalides

    Copyright © 1998