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compound_tbl_lipidblast extracts basic comopund annotations from a LipidBlast file in (json format) downloaded from


compound_tbl_lipidblast(file, collapse)



character(1) with the name of the file name.


optional character(1) to be used to collapse multiple values in the columns "synonyms". See examples for details.


A tibble::tibble with general compound information (one row per compound):

  • compound_id: the ID of the compound.

  • name: the compound's name.

  • inchi: the InChI of the compound.

  • inchikey: the InChI key.

  • formula: the chemical formula.

  • exactmass: the compound's mass.

  • synonyms: the compound's synonyms (aliases). This type of this column is by default a list to support multiple aliases per compound, unless argument collapse is provided, in which case multiple synonyms are pasted into a single element separated by the value of collapse.

See also

Other compound table creation functions: compound_tbl_sdf()


Johannes Rainer and Jan Stanstrup


## Read compound information from a subset of HMDB
fl <- system.file("json/MoNa-LipidBlast_sub.json", package = "CompoundDb")
cmps <- compound_tbl_lipidblast(fl)
#> # A tibble: 8 × 7
#>   compound_id      name      inchi           inchikey formula exactmass synonyms
#>   <chr>            <chr>     <chr>           <chr>    <chr>       <dbl> <chr>   
#> 1 LipidBlast000001 CerP 24:0 InChI=1S/C24H5… NA       C24H50…      479. CerP(d1…
#> 2 LipidBlast000002 CerP 26:0 InChI=1S/C26H5… NA       C26H54…      507. CerP(d1…
#> 3 LipidBlast000003 CerP 28:0 InChI=1S/C28H5… NA       C28H58…      535. CerP(d1…
#> 4 LipidBlast000004 CerP 30:0 InChI=1S/C30H6… NA       C30H62…      563. CerP(d1…
#> 5 LipidBlast000005 CerP 32:0 InChI=1S/C32H6… NA       C32H66…      591. CerP(d1…
#> 6 LipidBlast000006 CerP 32:1 InChI=1S/C32H6… NA       C32H64…      589. CerP(d1…
#> 7 LipidBlast000007 CerP 34:0 InChI=1S/C34H7… NA       C34H70…      619. CerP(d1…
#> 8 LipidBlast000008 CerP 36:0 InChI=1S/C36H7… NA       C36H74…      648. CerP(d1…