This is the development version of the Kepler/K2 science website. For the live website, visit

News for scientists

This page provides news updates to help the scientific community propose targets for K2 and analyze Kepler and/or K2 data. You can sign up to receive these updates via e-mail, via Twitter, or via the RSS feed. For general news and official press releases about Kepler, please visit instead.
Final release of K2 high-cadence guide star photometry
Updated version of the K2 Handbook now available
K2 Campaign 4 reprocessed
Incorrect pixel-level calibration of short-cadence TPFs for some C2R, C3R, and C5R targets
K2 Campaign 1 reprocessed
New Astronomy Reviews Special Issue on Kepler's Exoplanet Firsts
K2 Campaign 19 processed data and release notes available
K2 Campaign 11 reprocessed
New Kepler/K2 High Level Science Products available
Talks from Kepler & K2 SciCon V now available online
K2 Campaign 5 reprocessed
Kepler SciCon V registration and late poster deadline approaching
Slides from the Kepler/K2 Special Session at the Winter AAS now available
K2 Campaign 0 reprocessed
K2 Campaign 18 data release notes available
New white paper: Scientific Opportunities with Kepler & K2 Archive Data
New in Lightkurve: the Periodogram class
Abstracts & travel support requests for Kepler SciCon V are due in two weeks
K2 Campaign 18 processed data available
Kepler spacecraft update
K2 Campaign 19 raw data available
K2 Campaign 18 data processing complete
K2 Campaigns 2, 3, and 13 reprocessed
K2 Campaign 19 ended to downlink data
New in Lightkurve: interactively selecting pixel aperture masks
Release of Pan-STARRS C16 and C17 time series photometry
K2 Campaign 20 science program now available
Two Kepler Special Sessions at the Winter AAS
K2 Campaign 17 data release notes available
Abstracts for Kepler & K2 Science Conference V are due by November 15, 2018
K2 Campaign 19 status update
Ken Mighell and Nick Saunders join the K2 team
K2 Campaign 17 processed data available
Lodging for Kepler & K2 SciCon V available now
K2 Campaign 18 downlink successful
K2 Campaign 17 data processing complete
Intrapixel responsivity measured on a Kepler flight spare detector
K2 Campaign 16 data release notes available
K2 GO Cycle 7 Phase-1 deadline postponed to August 16, 2018
Kepler fuel status update & FAQ
New in lightkurve: identifying time-variable background noise
K2 Campaign 19 science program now available
Save the date for Kepler & K2 Science Conference V: March 4-8, 2019
New in lightkurve: saving a lightcurve as a FITS file
Release of Driftscan Full Frame Images
Call for K2 GO Cycle 7 proposals for Campaign 20
Kepler/K2 Extragalactic Data Analysis Meeting in Baltimore, July 16-18, 2018
K2 Campaign 16 processed data available
Meet Kepler/K2 staff at AAS 232 in Denver
K2 Campaign 17 completed successfully; Campaign 18 underway
K2 Campaign 16 data processing complete
New in lightkurve: inspecting pixel data using tpf.interact()
Call for Kepler/K2 Visiting Scientists
K2 uniform global reprocessing underway
K2 Campaign 15 data release notes available
We are hiring for a Kepler/K2 Support Scientist!
K2 GO Cycle 6 Phase-2 proposals for funding due on April 19th
New Kepler data analysis tools and tutorials: Lightkurve v1.0
K2 Campaign 18 science program now available
K2 Campaign 15 processed data available
K2 Campaign 16 completed successfully
K2 Campaign 15 data processing complete
Bright supernova discovered in K2's ongoing Campaign 16
Kepler's K2 Mission reaches 300,000 standard targets and 200 confirmed planets
New K2 superstamp mosaic FITS files available at MAST
K2 Campaign 14 data release notes available
K2 Campaign 17 science program now available
Slides available from the K2 Clusters Workshop in Boston
New community High Level Science Products available at MAST
The Kepler/K2 publication database surpasses 2500 papers
K2 & TESS Splinter Meeting at #AAS231 on Jan 9th, 2018
DDT deadline for K2 Campaign 18 approaching
Kepler/K2 at the AAS 231: January 2018, Washington DC
PanSTARRS monitoring of the K2 Campaign 16 field
K2 Campaign 16 successfully underway
Agenda available for the K2 Clusters Workshop in Boston
K2 Campaign 14 processed data available
Workshop on Dwarf Stars and Clusters with K2: Abstract deadline approaching!
K2 Campaign 14 data processing complete
Kepler to image Earth and Moon on December 10, 2017
K2 pixel data now available in bundles from MAST
DDT deadline for K2 Campaign 17 approaching
K2 Campaign 16 science program now available
Workshop on Dwarf Stars and Clusters with K2: Registration now open, space is limited!
New Kepler/K2 postdoc and fellowship opportunities available
Save the date: Workshop on Dwarf Stars and Clusters with K2, January 16-18, 2018
K2 Cycle 6: Notable objects in Campaigns 17-18-19
First version of the K2 Handbook now available
Internship and postdoc opportunities available at NASA Ames
Call for K2 GO Cycle 6 proposals for Campaigns 17, 18, and 19
K2 Campaign 13 processed data available
K2 Campaign 14 raw data available
K2 Campaign 16 DDT deadline approaching
New community-prepared K2 light curves available at MAST
Recorded talks from Kepler & K2 SciCon IV now available online
K2 Campaign 13 data processing complete
K2 Campaign 15 science program now available
Open source release of the Kepler data processing pipeline
K2 Campaign 12 processed data available
Beta release of PyKE v3.0 out now
Release of high-cadence guide star photometry
K2 Campaign 12 data processing complete
TESS Guest Investigator Cycle 1 released
Share your plan for K2 Campaign 16 ancillary observations
K2 Campaign 11 data available
Live streaming available for Kepler & K2 Science Conference IV
Fields selected for K2 Campaigns 17, 18, and 19
K2 Campaign 11 data processing complete
Ann Marie Cody, Michael Gully-Santiago, Christina Hedges, and Zé Vinícius join the Guest Observer Office
DDT deadlines for K2 Campaigns 15 & 16 approaching
Kepler & K2 Science Conference IV program now available
ExoPAG meeting to take place in conjunction with Kepler & K2 SciCon IV
K2 Campaign 14 science program now available
Release of dithered data obtained during Kepler commissioning
Request for input on the Campaign 17 and 18 field placement
Kepler DR 25 KOI Catalog now available
Raw data for K2 Campaign 12 and TRAPPIST-1 now available
Funding available for exoplanet research through NASA's XRP
K2 Campaign 16 preliminary target list available
K2 Campaign 13 science program now available
Funding available for Kepler & K2 data analysis through ADAP
K2 Campaigns 14, 15 and 16 Director's Discretionary Targets program
We are hiring! Job opportunities available at the Kepler/K2 Science Center
First Announcement: Kepler & K2 SciCon IV, June 19-23, 2017
Dr. Geert Barentsen to take over as Kepler/K2 Guest Observer Office lead on April 1
Visiting Scientist opportunities available
Student Internship opportunities available
Raw data for K2 Campaign 12 to be released after downlink
K2 Campaign 10 data release notes now available
Galactic Archeology Special Session at AAS 229
K2 Campaign 10 data available
K2 Campaign 10 data processing complete
Reprocessed data for K2 Campaign 1 now available
K2 & TESS Splinter Session at #AAS229 on 4 Jan 2017
K2 Campaign 12 science program now available
Small changes to Campaigns 13, 14, and 15
K2 Cycle 5 deadline fast approaching
K2 Supernova Experiment Workshop on Feb 14-16, 2017
K2 Users' Panel selected
K2 Campaign 9 data available
K2 GO Cycle 5: Notable targets in Campaigns 14-15-16
New forward-facing position of Campaign 16 finalized
K2 Campaign 9 data processing complete
Raw data for K2 Campaign 10 to be released immediately after downlink
Change to Campaign 16 field position and delay to GO Cycle 5 deadline
K2 Campaign 11 science program now available
Changes to Kepler and K2 Project Scientist personnel
21st Microlensing Conference, February 1–3, 2017
Retirement of CCD Module 4 confirmed
Reprocessed Kepler Q0-Q17 short cadence data available
Break in science collection during K2 Campaign 10
Release of reprocessed short cadence data for K2 Campaigns 3, 4, 5
Call for K2 GO Cycle 5 proposals for Campaigns 14, 15, and 16
Kepler 3D puzzle available for outreach
K2 mission recruiting members for the K2 Users' Panel
K2 Campaign 8 data available
K2 mission officially extended through end of mission
K2 Campaign 10 science program now available
Save the date for Kepler & K2 SciCon IV, June 19-23, 2017
Stellar properties available for EPIC targets from Campaigns 1-8
Raw data for K2 Campaign 9a now available at MAST
New funding opportunity for work on K2 solar system data
More community generated light curves available at MAST
K2 Campaign 7 data available
Kepler recovered and K2 mission underway again
K2 Campaigns 11, 12 and 13 Director's Discretionary Targets program
K2 Special Session at #AAS228 on 13 Jun 2016
K2 Campaign 7 data processing complete
Start of K2 Campaign 9 delayed
K2 Campaign 6 short cadence data available
Submit your abstract to the K2 Special Session at #AAS228
K2 Campaign 6 long cadence data available
Problem with Kepler and K2 short cadence pixel calibration
Minor changes in the fields of Campaigns 11, 12, and 13
Campaign 6 data processing complete
Previous short cadence data available at NExScI
K2 Cycle 4: Highlights in future fields
K2 Cycle 4: Target selection tools
Campaign 8 target list now available online
Presenting results at AAS that have public appeal? Let us know!
Call for K2 GO Cycle 4 proposals for Campaigns 11, 12, and 13
K2 Special Session at #AAS227 on 5 Jan 2016
Problem with DR24 short cadence data
K2 Campaign 9 Microlensing Science Team selected
K2 Campaign 5 data release
New Kepler/K2 Science Center website launched
Special K2 workshop at the DPS on 10 November 2015
K2 Science Conference deadline fast approaching
K2 Campaigns 8, 9 and 10 Director's Discretionary Targets program
K2 Campaign 7 science program available
Updated K2 data release schedule
K2 Campaign 4 data release
Call for spectroscopy targets for UKIRT program
K2 Campaign 3 data release
Got a hook? The Kepler/K2 press team would like to hear from you.
Anticipated observing and archiving dates now listed online
Campaign 3 data processing complete
Campaign 6 target list available online
Save the date for the K2 Science Conference. November 2-5, 2015
Campaign 5 target list available online
Additional targets available in future K2 campaigns
Due date for K2 Guest Observer Cycle 3 Step-1 proposal fast approaching
ExoFOP-K2 website launched
Geert Barentsen and Knicole Colón join the Guest Observer Office
K2 Microlensing Campaign draft agenda now available
K2 Microlensing Campaign workshop, May 7-8, 2015, SETI Inst., CA
K2 Campaign 2 data release
Kepler robovetted KOI table released
Extracted K2 lightcurves from Vanderburg and Johnson now available at MAST
Two-wheel engineering test data online

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