



Tracery was developed by Kate Compton, beginning March 2013 as a class assignment. This is version 0.7 (This is the first numbered version of Tracery, chosen arbitrarily. All basic syntax is stable, but some advanced features like nested rules, if-statements, and modifiers with parameters are still in flux)

Basic usage

Create a grammar

Create an empty grammar:

grammar = tracery.createGrammar();

Create a grammar from a Tracery-formatted object:

grammar = tracery.createGrammar({origin:"foo"});

Add modifiers to the grammar (import “mods-eng-basic.js” for basic English modifiers, or write your own)


Expand rules

Get the fully-expanded string from a rule


Get the fully-expanded node from a rule, this will return a root node containing a full expanded tree with many potentially interesting properties, including “finishedText” for each node.


Get the root node from a rule not fully expanded (this allows for animating the expansion of the tree) TODO, this is still buggy and does not correctly set the “finishedText”

grammar.expand("#origin#", true);

// animate the expansion over time
var stepTimer = setInterval(function() {
               var action =;
               if (!action)
            }, 40);

Making Tracery deterministic

By default, Tracery uses Math.random() to generate random numbers. If you need Tracery to be deterministic, you can make it use your own random number generator using:


where myRng is a function that, like Math.random(), returns a floating-point, pseudo-random number in the range [0, 1).

By using a local random number generator that takes a seed and controlling this seed, you can make Tracery’s behavior completely deterministic.

(Alternatively, you could use something like seedrandom to make Math.random() seedable, but then you need to be very careful about who uses Math.random() - it effectively becomes a global variable that anyone can modify. Using a local random number generator - perhaps from seedrandom - instead of replacing Math.random() avoids this problem.)

Library Concepts


A Grammar is

clearState: symbols and rulesets have state (the stack, and possible ruleset state recording recently called rules). This function clears any state, returning the dictionary to its original state;

Grammars are usually created by feeding in a raw JSON grammar, which is then parsed into symbols and rules. You can also build your own Grammar objects from scratch, without using this utility function, and can always edit the grammar after creating it.


A symbol is a key (usually a short human-readable string) and a set of expansion rules

Putting a key in hashtags, in a Tracery syntax object, will create a expansion node for that symbol within the text.

Each top-level key-value pair in the raw JSON object creates a symbol. The symbol’s key is set from the key, and the value determines the ruleset.


A function that takes a string (and optionally parameters) and returns a string. A set of these is included in mods-eng-basic.js. Modifiers are applied, in order, after a tag is fully expanded.

To apply a modifier, add its name after a period, after the tag’s main symbol: #animal.capitalize# #booktitle.capitalizeAll# Hundreds of #animal.s#

Modifiers can have parameters, too! (soon they will can have parameter that contain tags, which will be expanded when applying the modifier, but not yet) #story.replace(he,she).replace(him,her).replace(his,hers)#


An action that occurs when its node is expanded. Built-in actions are

TODO: figure out syntax and implementation for generating arrays of rules, or other complex rulesets to push onto symbols’ rulestacks

TODO: figure out syntax and storage for calling other functions, especially for async APIs.


A ruleset is an object that defines a getRule function. Calling this function may change the internal state of the ruleset, such as annotating which rules were most recently returned, or drawing and removing a rule from a shuffled list of available rules.

Basic ruleset

A basic ruleset is just an array of options.

They can be created by raw JSON by having an array or a string as the value, like this: “someKey”:[“rule0”, “rule1”, “some#complicated#rule”] If there is only one rule, it is acceptable short hand to leave off the array, but this only works with Strings. “someKey”:”just one rule”

These use the default distribution of the Grammar that owns them, which itself defaults to regular stateless pseudo-randomness.

Rulesets with conditions, distributions, or ranked fallbacks

**this feature is under development, coming soon

These rulesets are created when the raw JSON has an object rather than an array as the value.

Some attributes of this object can be:

These can be nested, so it is possible to make a ruleset image