[General] ; Maximum amount of processing time to spend on a measurement ; before displaying "Not Detected" (in milliseconds). Timeout=3000 [Markers] ; Marker color. MarkerColor=#FF0000 ; Marker diameter (in pixels). MarkerSize=3 [Lines] ; Color of the line to use for each component, separated by a comma. LineColors=#FF0000,#FFA500,#FFFF00 ; Line thickness (in pixels). LineThickness=2 [Labels] ; Name of the components to measure, separated by a comma. Labels=Head,Body,Tail ; Label color. LabelColor=#000000 ; Label font size. LabelSize=12 [Measurements] ; Gaussian blur intensity. The higher the value, the smoother the line. LineSmoothing=4 ; If true, snap endpoints to the first and last marker. SnapEnabled=true ; Trim radius (in pixels). All pixels within this distance of ; the first and last markers will be removed prior to snapping. TrimRadius=8 [Exports] ; Amount of padding to add to exported images (in pixels). CropPadding=20 ; If true, images will be exported as 8-bit PNG files to reduce file size. CompressCroppedImages=true