Explanatory tables for the list of Ground-Based Observing Stations

Instrument Codes

Code Meaning
AS Spectrometer, Auroral
ASC All-Sky Camera, Analog
ASCD All-Sky Camera, Digital
ASP Photometer, Azimuth Scanning
ATV Auroral TV Camera
BLS bls ???
CHF Coherent HF Radar
CUHF Coherent UHF Radar
CVHF Coherent VHF Radar
D Doppler Sounder
DA da ???
E e ???
ELF ELF Receiver
ES Ebert Spectrometer
FPI Fabry Perot Interferometer
I Ionosonde, Analog
ID Ionosonde, Digital
IPS Interplanetary Scintillation Array
IS Incoherent Scatter Radar
LF-HF LF, MF and HF Receiver
M Magnetometer
MF MF Radar
MI Michelson Interferometer
MIS Spectrograph, Meridian scanning
MP Magnetometer, Pulsation
MSP Photometer, Meridian Scanning
NM Neutron Monitor
OS Spectrometer, Optical
P Photometer
PI Photometer, Imaging
PRE Partial Reflection Experiment
R Riometer
RI Riometer, Imaging
RR Rocket Range
SC Satellite Scintillation Detector
SI Spectrometer, Imaging
SIR Scanning Infrared Radiometer
SM Spectrometer, Microwave
SS Solar Seismology Detector
ST Solar Telescope
SUV Spectrometer, Ultra-violet
TEC Total Electron Content Measurements
VLF VLF Receiver
(c) campaign use only
(p) planned at time of most recent information
(s) instrument no longer operating (shut)
(ro) receiver only

Chain, Instrument and Data Centre Acronyms

Acronym Group
210E Longitude 210 East Magnetometer Network
AGONET Antarctic Geospace Observatory NETwork
ALIS Auroral Large Imaging System
CANOPUS Canadian Auroral Network for the Open Program Unified Study
CO Contracted Oval index magnetometer stations
CUTLASS Co-operative UK Twin Located Auroral Sounding System
DASI Digital All Sky Imager
DIMNET DIxon meridian Magnetometer NETwork
EISCAT European Incoherent Scatter
EO Expanded Oval index magnetometer stations
FASCC Finnish All-Sky Camera Chain
Greenland Greenland Magnetometer Array
IMAGE International Monitor for Auroral Geomagnetic Effects
IRIS Imaging Riometer for Ionospheric Studies
Intermagnet INTERnational MAGNETometer database
MACCS Magnetometer Array for Cusp and Cleft Studies
MAGIC Magnetometer Array on the Greenland Ice Cap
MEASURE Magnetometers along the Eastern Atlantic Seaboard for Undergraduate Research and Education Program
MIRACLE Magnetometers - Ionospheric Radars - Allsky Cameras Large Experiment
NGDC National Geophysical Data Centre
PENGUIN Polar Experiment Network for Geophysical Upper-atmosphere INvestigations
SAMNET Sub-Auroral Magnetometer NETwork
SIRN Scandinavian Imaging Riometer Network
SO Standard Oval index magnetometer stations
STARE Scandinavian Twin Auroral Radar Experiment
SuperDARN Super Dual Auroral Radar Network
TOMO TOMOgraphy receiver network
ULCAR University of Lowell Center for Atmospheric Research
WDC-A World Data Center A for STP
WDC-C1 World Data Centre C1 for STP

Station Synonym
Andoya Andenes
Dumont d'Urville Terre Adelie
Fredricksburg Fredericksburg
Great Whale Riv. Kuujjuarrapik, Post-de-La-Baleine
Iqaluit Frobisher B, Frobisher Bay
Ittoqqortoormiit Scoresbysund
Kangerlussuaq Sondre Stromfjord
Maniitsoq Sukkertoppen
Martin de Vivies Amsterdam Island
Nuuk Godthaab
Paamiut Frederikshaab
Port Alfred Crozet Archipelago
Port-aux-Francais Kerguelen Islands
Puerto Rico Ramey
Qaanaaq Thule
Qeqertarsuaq Godhavn
Tasiilaq Ammassalik
Terre Adelie Dumont d'Urville
Uummannaq Umanaq
Vernadsky Argentine Islands, Faraday

Station List

14-MAR-2001 Sarah James