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Email: steve@scphillips.com
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 * Basic methods to translate Morse code.

import { dictionaries } from "./dictionary/index.js";

export default class Morse {
     * @param {Object} params - dictionary of optional parameters.
     * @param {String} [params.dictionary='international'] - which dictionary to use, e.g. 'international' or 'american'. Can optionally take a list of dictionary strings.
     * @param {String[]} [params.dictionaryOptions=[]] - optional additional dictionaries such as 'prosigns'. Will look these up in the merged dictionary formed of the list of dictionaries.
    constructor({dictionary='international', dictionaryOptions=[]} = {}) {
        if (typeof dictionary === 'string') {
            dictionary = [dictionary];
        this.setDictionariesAndOptions(dictionary, dictionaryOptions);

    setDictionariesAndOptions(dictList, optionList) {
        this.dictionaries = dictList;
        this.options = optionList;

     * Set the list of dictionaries to use.
     * @param {List} dictList - list of dictionary names
    setDictionaries(dictList) {
        this.dictionaries = dictList;

     * Set the list of dictionary options to use.
     * @param {List} optionList - list of dictionary option names. Looked up in merged dictionary
    setOptions(optionList) {
        this.options = optionList;

    _loadDictionaries() {
        // Clear any existing mappings:
        this.text2morseD = {};
        this.morse2textD = {};
        // Set up sensible default:
        // Load in all dictionaries:
        for (let d of this.dictionaries) {
            if (d in dictionaries) {
                let dict = dictionaries[d]  // switch to the imported dict
            } else {
                throw `No dictionary called '${d}'`;
        // Overlay any options:
        for (let optName of this.options) {
            if (this.dictionary.options[optName] !== undefined) {
            } else {
                throw `No option '${optName}' in '${this.dictionary.id}'`;

     * Load in a dictionary.
     * Dictionary needs 'letter' and (optional) 'letterMatch' keys.
     * @param {Object} dict
    _addDictionary(dict) {
        this.dictionary = {...this.dictionary, ...dict};  // overwrite any existing keys with the new dict

        let letters = dict.letter;
        for (let letter in letters) {
            // overwrite any existing letter keys
            this.text2morseD[letter] = letters[letter];
            this.morse2textD[letters[letter]] = letter;

     * General method for converting a set of tokens to a displayable string
     * @param {Array} tokens - list of lists of tokens to form into String
     * @param {String} charSpace - String to use to separate characters
     * @param {String} wordSpace - String to use to separate words
     * @param {Map} map - Map to replace tokens with alternatives, e.g. for display escaping {'>', '>'}
     * @param {Array} errors - list if lists of Booleans indicating if there is an error in the tokens parameter
     * @param {String} errorPrefix - used to prefix any token that is an error
     * @param {String} errorSuffix - used to suffix any token that is an error
     * @returns a String of the tokens
    display(tokens, charSpace, wordSpace, map={}, errors=undefined, errorPrefix='', errorSuffix='') {
        for (let k in map) {
            tokens = tokens.map(word => word.map(char => char.replace(new RegExp(k, 'g'), map[k])));
        if (errors !== undefined) {
            for (let i = 0; i < tokens.length; i++) {
                for (let j = 0; j < tokens[i].length; j++) {
                    if (errors[i][j]) {
                        tokens[i][j] = errorPrefix + tokens[i][j] + errorSuffix;
        let words = tokens.map(word => word.join(charSpace));
        return words.join(wordSpace);

     * Tidies text (upper case, trim, squash multiple spaces)
     * @param {String} text - the text to tidy
     * @returns the tidied text
    tidyText(text) {
        text = text.trim();
        text = text.replace(/\s+/g, ' ');
        return text;

     * Splits text into words and letters
     * @param {String} text - the text to tokenise
     * @returns a list of lists, e.g. [['o', 'n', 'e'], ['t', 'w', 'o']]
    tokeniseRawText(text) {
        let tokens = []
        let words = text.split(' ');
        for (let word of words) {
            let letters = [];
            while (word.length) {
                let letter = word.match(this.dictionary.letterMatch)[0];
                word = word.substr(letter.length);
        return tokens;

     * Tidies and then tokenises text
     * @param {String} text - the text to tokenise
     * @returns - the tidied, tokenised text
    tokeniseText(text) {
        return this.tokeniseRawText(this.tidyText(text));

     * Convert from text tokens to displayable String
     * @param {Array} textTokens - list of lists representing the words and characters
     * @param {Map} escapeMap - Map to replace tokens with alternatives, e.g. for display escaping {'>', '&gt;'}
     * @returns a String, joining the characters together, separating the words with a space
    displayText(textTokens, escapeMap) {
        return this.display(textTokens, '', ' ', escapeMap)

    displayTextErrors(textTokens, escapeMap, errorTokens, prefix, suffix) {
        return this.display(textTokens, '', ' ', escapeMap, errorTokens, prefix, suffix);

     * @param {Array} textTokens - list of lists of text tokens
     * @returns Map - text: text tokens, morse: morse tokens, error: error tokens, hasError Boolean
    textTokens2morse(textTokens) {
        let translation = this._input2output(textTokens, this.text2morseD);
        return {
            text: textTokens,
            morse: translation.output,
            error: translation.error,
            hasError: translation.hasError

    text2morse(text) {
        let textTokens = this.tokeniseText(text);
        return this.textTokens2morse(textTokens);

    tokeniseMorse(morse) {
        return this.dictionary.tokeniseMorse(morse);

    displayMorse(morseTokens) {
        return this.display(morseTokens,
            this.dictionary.display.join.charSpace, this.dictionary.display.join.wordSpace, this.dictionary.display.morse);

    displayMorseErrors(morseTokens, errorTokens, prefix, suffix) {
        return this.display(morseTokens,
            this.dictionary.display.join.charSpace, this.dictionary.display.join.wordSpace, this.dictionary.display.morse,
            errorTokens, prefix, suffix);

    morseTokens2text(morseTokens) {
        let translation = this._input2output(morseTokens, this.morse2textD);
        return {
            morse: morseTokens,
            text: translation.output,
            error: translation.error,
            hasError: translation.hasError

    morse2text(morse) {
        let morseTokens = this.tokeniseMorse(morse);
        return this.morseTokens2text(morseTokens);

    looksLikeMorse(input) {
        return input.match(this.dictionary.morseMatch) !== null;

    _input2output(tokens, dict) {
        let ret = {
            output: [],
            error: [],
            hasError: false
        for (let letters of tokens) {
            let chars = [];
            let errors = [];
            for (let letter of letters) {
                let char = '';
                let error = false;
                // These tests are a little complex because e.g. the american dictionary uses "s" and "S" in the Morse.
                // You therefore have to test without uppercasing.
                // The uppercase test is useful though (so added here) so that the case of the input itself doesn't have to be changed.
                // That's helpful e.g. when someone enters text in the translator that needs cleaning up: the case can be maintained.
                if (letter in dict) {
                    char = dict[letter];
                } else if (letter.toUpperCase() in dict) {
                    char = dict[letter.toUpperCase()];
                } else {
                    error = true;
                ret.hasError = ret.hasError || error;
        return ret;

    text2morseClean(text) {
        let d = this.text2morse(text);
        d.text = d.text.map((word, i) => word.filter((char, j) => !d.error[i][j]));
        d.morse = d.morse.map((word, i) => word.filter((char, j) => !d.error[i][j]));
        d.error = d.error.map(word => word.filter(error => !error));
        d.hasError = false;
        return d;