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This code is © Copyright Stephen C. Phillips, 2018.
Email: steve@scphillips.com
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 * Useful constants and functions for computing the speed of Morse code.

const DITS_PER_WORD = 50;  /** dits in "PARIS " */
const SPACES_IN_PARIS = 19;  /** 5x 3-dit inter-character spaces + 1x 7-dit space */
const MS_IN_MINUTE = 60000;  /** number of milliseconds in 1 minute */

/** Get the dit length in ms
 * @param {number} wpm - speed in words per minute
 * @return {integer}
export function ditLength(wpm) {
    return Math.round(_ditLength(wpm));

function _ditLength(wpm) {
    return (MS_IN_MINUTE / DITS_PER_WORD) / wpm;

 * Get the dah length in ms
 * @param {number} wpm - speed in words per minute
 * @return {integer}
export function dahLength(wpm) {
    return Math.round(3 * _ditLength(wpm));

 * Get the dit space in ms
 * @param {number} wpm - speed in words per minute
 * @return {integer}
export function ditSpace(wpm) {
    return ditLength(wpm)

 * Get the character-space in ms
 * @param {number} wpm - speed in words per minute
 * @param {number} [fwpm = wpm] - Farnsworth speed in words per minute
 * @return {integer}
export function charSpace(wpm, fwpm = wpm) {
    return Math.round(3 * _fditLength(wpm, fwpm));

 * Get the word-space in ms
 * @param {number} wpm - speed in words per minute
 * @param {number} [fwpm = wpm] - Farnsworth speed in words per minute
 * @return {integer}
export function wordSpace(wpm, fwpm = wpm) {
    return Math.round(7 * _fditLength(wpm, fwpm));

 * Get the WPM for a given dit length in ms
 * @return {number}
export function wpm(ditLen) {
    return (MS_IN_MINUTE / DITS_PER_WORD) / ditLen;

 * Get the Farnsworth dit length in ms for a given WPM and Farnsworth WPM. Note, actual dit-spaces should not be slowed down
 * @return {integer}
export function fditLength(wpm, fwpm) {
    return Math.round(_fditLength(wpm, fwpm));

function _fditLength(wpm, fwpm) {
    return _ditLength(wpm) * ratio(wpm, fwpm);

 * Get the dit length ratio for a given WPM and Farnsworth WPM
 * @param {number} wpm - speed in words per minute
 * @param {number} fwpm - Farnsworth speed in words per minute
 * @return {number}
export function ratio(wpm, fwpm) {
    // "PARIS " is 31 units for the characters and 19 units for the inter-character spaces and inter-word space
    // One unit takes 1 * 60 / (50 * wpm)
    // The 31 units should take 31 * 60 / (50 * wpm) seconds at wpm
    // "PARIS " should take 50 * 60 / (50 * fwpm) to transmit at fwpm, or 60 / fwpm  seconds at fwpm
    // Keeping the time for the characters constant,
    // The spaces need to take: (60 / fwpm) - [31 * 60 / (50 * wpm)] seconds in total
    // The spaces are 4 inter-character spaces of 3 units and 1 inter-word space of 7 units. Their ratio must be maintained.
    // A space unit is: [(60 / fwpm) - [31 * 60 / (50 * wpm)]] / 19 seconds
    // Comparing that to 60 / (50 * wpm) gives a ratio of (50.wpm - 31.fwpm) / 19.fwpm
    return (DITS_PER_WORD * wpm - (DITS_PER_WORD - SPACES_IN_PARIS) * fwpm) / (SPACES_IN_PARIS * fwpm);

/** Get the Farnsworth WPM for a given WPM and ratio */
export function fwpm(wpm, r) {