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This code is © Copyright Stephen C. Phillips, 2018.
Email: steve@scphillips.com
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import MorsePlayerWAA from './morse-pro-player-waa';
import morseAudioContext from './morse-pro-audiocontext';

 * Web browser sound player using Web Audio API.
 * Extends MorsePlayerWAA to provide callbacks when the sound goes on or off.
 * Can be used to turn a light on or off in time with the Morse sound.
 * The callbacks have an error of +/- 2.6ms
 * @example
 * import MorseCW from 'morse-pro-cw';
 * import MorsePlayerWAALight from 'morse-pro-player-waa-light';
 * var morseCW = new MorseCW();
 * var tokens = morseCW.text2morse("abc");
 * var timings = morseCW.morseTokens2timing(tokens);
 * var morsePlayerWAALight = new MorsePlayerWAALight();
 * morsePlayerWAALight.soundOnCallback = lightOn;
 * morsePlayerWAALight.soundOffCallback = lightOff;
 * morsePlayerWAALight.soundStoppedCallback = soundStopped;
 * morsePlayerWAALight.muteAudio(true);
 * morsePlayerWAALight.load({timings});
 * morsePlayerWAA.playFromStart();

const SMALL_AMPLITUDE = 0.1;  // below this, we consider the sound to be off

export default class MorsePlayerWAALight extends MorsePlayerWAA {
     * @param {Object} params - lots of optional parameters.
     * @param {number} params.defaultFrequency - fallback frequency (Hz) to use if the loaded sequence does not define any.
     * @param {number} params.startPadding - number of ms to wait before playing first note of initial sequence.
     * @param {number} params.endPadding - number of ms to wait at the end of a sequence before playing the next one (or looping).
     * @param {number} params.volume - volume of Morse. Takes range [0,1].
     * @param {function()} params.sequenceStartCallback - function to call each time the sequence starts.
     * @param {function()} params.sequenceEndingCallback - function to call when the sequence is nearing the end.
     * @param {function()} params.sequenceEndCallback - function to call when the sequence has ended.
     * @param {function()} params.soundStoppedCallback - function to call when the sequence stops.
     * @param {function()} params.soundOnCallback - function to call when a note starts.
     * @param {function()} params.soundOffCallback - function to call when a note stops.
     * @param {string} params.onSample - URL of the sound file to play at the start of a note.
     * @param {string} params.offSample - URL of the sound file to play at the end of a note.
     * @param {string} params.playMode - play mode, either "sine" or "sample".
    constructor({defaultFrequency, startPadding, endPadding, volume, sequenceStartCallback, sequenceEndingCallback, sequenceEndCallback, soundStoppedCallback, soundOnCallback, soundOffCallback, onSample, offSample, playMode} = {}) {
        super({defaultFrequency, startPadding, endPadding, volume, sequenceStartCallback, sequenceEndingCallback, sequenceEndCallback, soundStoppedCallback, onSample, offSample, playMode});
        if (soundOnCallback !== undefined) this.soundOnCallback = soundOnCallback;
        if (soundOffCallback !== undefined) this.soundOffCallback = soundOffCallback;
        this._wasOn = false;
        this._count = 0;
        if (playMode === 'sample') {
            console.log('WARNING: The light does not yet work when using "sample" play mode');

     * Set up the audio graph, connecting the splitter node to a JSNode in order to analyse the waveform
     * @access private
    _initialiseAudio() {
        // TODO: have this create its own oscillators so that we can get the light signal when using samples
        // TODO: or just adapt the super class to call soundOn and soundOff callbacks based on the timings - not sure why I didn't do that in the first place? Could be to do with the higher precision of the sound API?!
        if (this.jsNode) {
            // if we have already called this method then must make sure to disconnect the old node graph first
        let ac = morseAudioContext.getAudioContext();

        this.muteLightNode = ac.createGain();  // used to temporarily mute the light (e.g. if just sound is needed)

        this.jsNode = ac.createScriptProcessor(256, 1, 1);
        this.jsNode.connect(ac.destination);  // otherwise Chrome ignores it
        this.jsNode.onaudioprocess = this._processSound.bind(this);



     * @access private
    _processSound(event) {
        var input = event.inputBuffer.getChannelData(0);
        var sum = 0;
        for (var i = 0; i < input.length; i++) {
            sum += Math.abs(input[i]) > SMALL_AMPLITUDE;
        var on = (sum > 128);  // is more than half the buffer non-zero?
        if (on && !this._wasOn) {
        } else if (!on && this._wasOn) {
        this._wasOn = on;

     * @access private
    _on() {

     * @access private
    _off() {

    muteLight(mute) {
        let now = morseAudioContext.getAudioContext().currentTime;
        this.muteLightNode.gain.setValueAtTime(mute ? 0 : 1, now);

     * @returns {number} representing this audio player type: 5
     * @override
    get audioType() {
        return 5;
        // 5: Web Audio API using oscillators and light control
        // 4: Web Audio API using oscillators
        // 3: Audio element using media stream worker (using PCM audio data)
        // 2: Flash (using PCM audio data)
        // 1: Web Audio API with webkit and native support (using PCM audio data)
        // 0: Audio element using Mozilla Audio Data API (https://wiki.mozilla.org/Audio_Data_API) (using PCM audio data)
        // -1: no audio support

    // empty callbacks in case user does not define any
    soundOnCallback() { }
    soundOffCallback() { }