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This code is © Copyright Stephen C. Phillips, 2018.
Email: steve@scphillips.com
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 * Class for conveniently translating to and from Morse code.
 * Deals with error handling.
 * Works out if the input is Morse code or not.
 * @example
 * import MorseMessage from 'morse-pro-message';
 * import MorseCWWave from 'morse-pro-cw-wave';
 * let morseCWWave = new MorseCWWave();
 * let morseMessage = new MorseMessage(morseCWWave);
 * let output;
 * try {
 *     output = morseMessage.translate("abc");
 * catch (ex) {
 *     // output will be best attempt at translation
 *     // to understand the detail of where the error is, look at morseMessage.errors or display getErrorString()
 * }
 * if (morseMessage.inputWasMorse) {
 *     // do something
 * }
 * // get the Morse code waveform
 * let wave = morseMessage.wave;
export default class MorseMessage {
    constructor(morseCWWave) {
        this.morseCWWave = morseCWWave;
        // this.player = morsePlayer;
        this.rawInput = undefined;
        this.inputWasMorse = undefined;
        this.text = undefined;
        this.textTokens = undefined;
        this.morse = undefined;
        this.morseTokens = undefined;
        this.errors = undefined;
        this.hasError = undefined;
        // this.volumes = undefined;
        // this.frequencies = undefined;

     * Translate to or from Morse.
     * @param {string} input - alphanumeric text or morse code to translate
     * @param {boolean} isMorse - whether the input is Morse code or not (if not set then the looksLikeMorse method will be used)
     * @throws Error if there was something untranslatable
    translate(input, isMorse) {
        if (typeof isMorse === "undefined") {
            // make a guess: could be wrong if someone wants to translate "." into Morse for instance
            isMorse = this.morseCWWave.looksLikeMorse(input);

        let ret;
        if (isMorse) {
            ret = this.loadMorse(input);
        } else {
            ret = this.loadText(input);

        if (this.hasError) {
            throw new Error("Error in input: " + '[' + input + ']');

        return ret;

    _completeFields(d) {
        this.morseTokens = d.morse;
        this.textTokens = d.text;
        this.errors = d.error;
        this.hasError = d.hasError; 
        this.text = this.morseCWWave.displayText(this.textTokens);
        this.morse = this.morseCWWave.displayMorse(this.morseTokens);

    loadMorse(input) {
        this.rawInput = input;
        this.inputWasMorse = true;
        return this.text;

    loadText(input) {
        this.rawInput = input;
        this.inputWasMorse = false;
        return this.morse;

    cleanText() {
        return this.text;

    get timings() {
        return this.morseCWWave.morseTokens2timing(this.morseTokens);

    get wave() {
        return this.morseCWWave.getSample(this.timings, 50);

     * @param {String} prefix - this is placed before each input token that had an error
     * @param {String} suffix - this is placed after each input token that had an error
     * @param {Map} escapeMap - any token matching a key in this map is replaced by the value (e.g. {'>': '&gt;', '<': '&lt;'})
    getInputErrorString(prefix, suffix, escapeMap={}) {
        if (this.inputWasMorse) {
            return this.getMorseErrorString(prefix, suffix);
        } else {
            return this.getTextErrorString(prefix, suffix, escapeMap);

    getOutputErrorString(prefix, suffix, escapeMap={}) {
        if (!this.inputWasMorse) {
            return this.getMorseErrorString(prefix, suffix);
        } else {
            return this.getTextErrorString(prefix, suffix, escapeMap);

    getTextErrorString(prefix, suffix, escapeMap={}) {
        return this.morseCWWave.displayTextErrors(this.textTokens, escapeMap, this.errors, prefix, suffix);

    getMorseErrorString(prefix, suffix) {
        return this.morseCWWave.displayMorseErrors(this.morseTokens, this.errors, prefix, suffix);