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* A class to 'listen' for Morse code from the microphone or an audio file, filter the sound and pass timings to a decoder to convert to text.
import morseAudioContext from './morse-pro-audiocontext';
//TOOD: change constructor so that it uses a dictionary of parameters
export default class MorseListener {
* @param {number} fftSize - Size of the discrete Fourier transform to use. Must be a power of 2 >= 256 (defaults to 256). A smaller fftSize gives better time resolution but worse frequency resolution.
* @param {number} [volumeFilterMin=-60] - Sound less than this volume (in dB) is ignored.
* @param {number} [volumeFilterMax=-30] - Sound greater than this volume (in dB) is ignored.
* @param {number} [frequencyFilterMin=550] - Sound less than this frequency (in Hz) is ignored.
* @param {number} [frequencyFilterMax=550] - Sound greater than this frequency (in Hz) is ignored.
* @param {number} [volumeThreshold=220] - If the volume is greater than this then the signal is taken as "on" (part of a dit or dah) (range 0-255).
* @param {Object} decoder - An instance of a configured decoder class.
* @param {function()} spectrogramCallback - Called every time fftSize samples are read.
Called with a dictionary parameter:
frequencyData: output of the DFT (the real values including DC component)
frequencyStep: frequency resolution in Hz
timeStep: time resolution in Hz
filterBinLow: index of the lowest frequency bin being analysed
filterBinHigh: index of the highest frequency bin being analysed
filterRegionVolume: volume in the analysed region
isOn: whether the analysis detected a signal or not
* @param {function()} frequencyFilterCallback - Called when the frequency filter parameters change.
Called with a dictionary parameter:
min: lowest frequency in Hz
max: highest frequency in Hz
The frequencies may well be different to that which is set as they are quantised.
* @param {function()} volumeFilterCallback - Called when the volume filter parameters change.
Called with a dictionary parameter:
min: low volume (in dB)
max: high volume (in dB)
If the set volumes are not numeric or out of range then the callback will return in range numbers.
* @param {function()} volumeThresholdCallback - Called with a single number as the argument when the volume filter threshold changes.
* @param {function()} micSuccessCallback - Called when the microphone has successfully been connected.
* @param {function()} micErrorCallback - Called with the error as the argument if there is an error connecting to the microphone.
* @param {function()} fileLoadCallback - Called with the AudioBuffer object as the argument when a file has successfully been loaded (and decoded).
* @param {function()} fileErrorCallback - Called with the error as the argument if there is an error in decoding a file.
* @param {function()} EOFCallback - Called when the playback of a file ends.
volumeFilterMin, volumeFilterMax,
frequencyFilterMin, frequencyFilterMax,
frequencyFilterCallback, volumeFilterCallback, volumeThresholdCallback,
micSuccessCallback, micErrorCallback,
fileLoadCallback, fileErrorCallback, EOFCallback
// audio input and output
this.audioContext = morseAudioContext.getAudioContext(); // must have already been init()
if (spectrogramCallback !== undefined) this.spectrogramCallback = spectrogramCallback;
if (frequencyFilterCallback !== undefined) this.frequencyFilterCallback = frequencyFilterCallback;
if (volumeFilterCallback !== undefined) this.volumeFilterCallback = volumeFilterCallback;
if (volumeThresholdCallback !== undefined) this.volumeThresholdCallback = volumeThresholdCallback;
if (micSuccessCallback !== undefined) this.micSuccessCallback = micSuccessCallback;
if (micErrorCallback !== undefined) this.micErrorCallback = micErrorCallback;
if (fileLoadCallback !== undefined) this.fileLoadCallback = fileLoadCallback;
if (fileErrorCallback !== undefined) this.fileErrorCallback = fileErrorCallback;
if (EOFCallback !== undefined) this.EOFCallback = EOFCallback;
this.fftSize = fftSize;
// basic parameters from the sample rate
this.sampleRate = this.audioContext.sampleRate; // in Hz, 48000 on Chrome
this.maxFreq = this.sampleRate / 2; // in Hz; Nyquist theorem
this.freqBins = this.fftSize / 2;
this.timeStep = 1000 / (this.sampleRate / this.fftSize); // in ms
this.freqStep = this.maxFreq / this.freqBins;
this.defaults = {
fftSize: 256,
volumeFilterMin: -60,
volumeFilterMax: -30,
frequencyFilterMin: 550,
frequencyFilterMax: 550,
volumeThreshold: 200
this.volumeFilterMin = volumeFilterMin; // in dB
this.volumeFilterMax = volumeFilterMax;
this.frequencyFilterMin = frequencyFilterMin; // in Hz
this.frequencyFilterMax = frequencyFilterMax;
this.volumeThreshold = volumeThreshold; // in range [0-255]
this.decoder = decoder;
this.notStarted = true;
this.flushTime = 500; // how long to wait before pushing data to the decoder if e.g. you have a very long pause
this.input = undefined; // current state: undefined, "mic", "file"
* Set the minimum threshold on the volume filter. i.e. the minimum volume considered to be a signal.
* Input validation is done to set a sensible default on non-numeric input and clamp the maximum to be zero.
* The volumFilterMax property is also set by this to be no less than the minimum.
* Calls the volumeFilterCallback with the new min and max.
* @param {number} v - the minimum volume in dB (-ve).
set volumeFilterMin(v) {
if (isNaN(v)) v = this.defaults.volumeFilterMin;
// v is in dB and therefore -ve
v = Math.min(0, v);
this.analyserNode.minDecibels = v;
this.analyserNode.maxDecibels = Math.max(this.analyserNode.maxDecibels, v);
this.volumeFilterCallback({min: this.analyserNode.minDecibels, max: this.analyserNode.maxDecibels});
get volumeFilterMin() {
return this.analyserNode.minDecibels;
* Set the maximum threshold on the volume filter. i.e. the maximum volume considered to be a signal.
* Input validation is done to set a sensible default on non-numeric input and clamp the maximum to be zero.
* The volumFilterMin property is also set by this to be no more than the maximum.
* Calls the volumeFilterCallback with the new min and max.
* @param {number} v - the maximum volume in dB (-ve).
set volumeFilterMax(v) {
if (isNaN(v)) v = this.defaults.volumeFilterMax;
// v is in dB and therefore -ve
v = Math.min(0, v);
this.analyserNode.maxDecibels = v;
this.analyserNode.minDecibels = Math.min(this.analyserNode.minDecibels, v);
this.volumeFilterCallback({min: this.analyserNode.minDecibels, max: this.analyserNode.maxDecibels});
get volumeFilterMax() {
return this.analyserNode.maxDecibels;
* Set the minimum threshold on the frequency filter. i.e. the minimum frequency to be considered.
* Input validation is done to set a sensible default on non-numeric input and the value is clamped to be between zero and the current maximum frequency.
* The actual minimum will be the minimum frequency of the frequency bin the chosen frequency lies in.
* Calls the frequencyFilterCallback with the new min and max.
* @param {number} v - the minimum frequency in Hz.
set frequencyFilterMin(f) {
if (isNaN(f)) f = this.defaults.frequencyFilterMin;
f = Math.min(Math.max(f, 0), this.maxFreq);
this._filterBinLow = Math.min(Math.max(Math.round(f / this.freqStep), 1), this.freqBins); // at least 1 to avoid DC component
this._filterBinHigh = Math.max(this._filterBinLow, this._filterBinHigh); // high must be at least low
this.frequencyFilterCallback({min: this.frequencyFilterMin, max: this.frequencyFilterMax});
get frequencyFilterMin() {
return Math.max(this._filterBinLow * this.freqStep, 0);
* Set the maximum threshold on the frequency filter. i.e. the maximum frequency to be considered.
* Input validation is done to set a sensible default on non-numeric input and the value is clamped to be between zero and the current maximum frequency.
* The actual minimum will be the maximum frequency of the frequency bin the chosen frequency lies in.
* Calls the frequencyFilterCallback with the new min and max.
* @param {number} v - the maximum frequency in Hz.
set frequencyFilterMax(f) {
if (isNaN(f)) f = this.defaults.frequencyFilterMin;
f = Math.min(Math.max(f, 0), this.maxFreq);
this._filterBinHigh = Math.min(Math.max(Math.round(f / this.freqStep), 1), this.freqBins); // at least 1 to avoid DC component
this._filterBinLow = Math.min(this._filterBinHigh, this._filterBinLow); // low must be at most high
this.frequencyFilterCallback({min: this.frequencyFilterMin, max: this.frequencyFilterMax});
get frequencyFilterMax() {
return Math.min(this._filterBinHigh * this.freqStep, this.maxFreq);
* Set the minimum and maximum frequency filter values to be closely surrounding a specific frequency.
* @param {number} f - the frequency to target.
set frequencyFilter(f) {
this.frequencyFilterMin = f;
this.frequencyFilterMax = f;
* Set the threshold used to determine if an anlaysed region has sufficient sound to be "on".
* Input validation is done to set a sensible default on non-numeric input and the value is clamped to be between zero and 255.
* @param {number} v - threshold volume [0, 255]
set volumeThreshold(v) {
if (isNaN(v)) v = this.defaults.volumeThreshold;
this._volumeThreshold = Math.min(Math.max(Math.round(v), 0), 255);
get volumeThreshold() {
return this._volumeThreshold;
* @access private
initialiseAudioNodes() {
// set up a javascript node (BUFFER_SIZE, NUM_INPUTS, NUM_OUTPUTS)
this.jsNode = this.audioContext.createScriptProcessor(this.fftSize, 1, 1); // buffer size can be 256, 512, 1024, 2048, 4096, 8192 or 16384
// set the event handler for when the buffer is full
this.jsNode.onaudioprocess = this.processSound.bind(this);
// set up an analyserNode
this.analyserNode = this.audioContext.createAnalyser();
this.analyserNode.smoothingTimeConstant = 0; // no mixing with the previous frame
this.analyserNode.fftSize = this.fftSize; // can be 32 to 2048 in webkit
this.frequencyData = new Uint8Array(this.freqBins); // create an arrray of the right size for the frequency data
* Start the decoder listening to the microphone.
* Calls micSuccessCallback or micErrorCallback on success or error.
startListening() {
navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia({audio: true, video: false})
.then(function(stream) {
// create an audio node from the stream
this.sourceNode = this.audioContext.createMediaStreamSource(stream);
this.input = "mic";
// connect nodes but don't connect mic to audio output to avoid feedback
.catch(function(error) {
this.input = undefined;
* Load audio data from an ArrayBuffer. Use a FileReader to load from a file.
* Calls fileLoadCallback or fileErrorCallback on success or error.
* @param {ArrayBuffer} arrayBuffer
loadArrayBuffer(arrayBuffer) {
// by separating loading (decoding) and playing, the playing can be done multiple times
function(audioBuffer) {
this.fileAudioBuffer = audioBuffer;
function(error) {
this.fileAudioBuffer = undefined;
* Play a loaded audio file (through speakers) and decode it.
* Calls EOFCallback when buffer ends.
playArrayBuffer() {
// make BufferSource node
this.sourceNode = this.audioContext.createBufferSource();
this.sourceNode.buffer = this.fileAudioBuffer;
this.sourceNode.onended = function() {
// connect nodes
this.input = "file";
// play
* Stop listening.
stop() {
if (this.input === undefined) {
if (this.input === "file") {
this.input = undefined;
* This ScriptProcessorNode is called when it is full, we then actually look at the data in the analyserNode node to measure the volume in the frequency band of interest. We don't actually use the input or output of the ScriptProcesorNode.
* @access private
processSound() {
// get the data from the analyserNode node and put into frequencyData
// find the average volume in the filter region
var filterRegionVolume = 0;
for (var i = this._filterBinLow; i <= this._filterBinHigh; i++) {
filterRegionVolume += this.frequencyData[i];
filterRegionVolume /= 1.0 * (this._filterBinHigh - this._filterBinLow + 1);
// record the data
var isOn = filterRegionVolume >= this._volumeThreshold;
frequencyData: this.frequencyData,
frequencyStep: this.freqStep,
timeStep: this.timeStep,
filterBinLow: this._filterBinLow,
filterBinHigh: this._filterBinHigh,
filterRegionVolume: filterRegionVolume,
isOn: isOn
* Called each tick with whether the sound is judged to be on or off. If a change from on to off or off to on is detected then the number of ticks of the segment is passed to the decoder.
* @access private
recordOnOrOff(soundIsOn) {
if (this.notStarted) {
if (!soundIsOn) {
// wait until we hear something
} else {
this.notStarted = false;
this.lastSoundWasOn = true;
this.ticks = 0;
if (this.lastSoundWasOn === soundIsOn) {
// accumulating an on or an off
if (this.ticks * this.timeStep > this.flushTime) {
// then it's e.g. a very long pause, so flush it through to decoder and keep counting
this.ticks = 0;
} else {
// we've just changed from on to off or vice versa
this.flush(!soundIsOn); // flush the previous segment
this.lastSoundWasOn = soundIsOn;
this.ticks = 1; // at this moment we just saw the first tick of the new segment
* Flush the current ticks to the decoder. Parameter is whether the ticks represent sound (on) or not.
flush(on = this.lastSoundWasOn) {
this.decoder.addTiming((on ? 1 : -1) * this.ticks * this.timeStep);
// empty callbacks to avoid errors
spectrogramCallback(jsonData) { }
frequencyFilterCallback(jsonData) { }
volumeFilterCallback(jsonData) { }
volumeThresholdCallback(volume) { }
micSuccessCallback() { }
micErrorCallback(error) { }
fileLoadCallback(audioBuffer) { }
fileErrorCallback(error) { }
EOFCallback() { }
// TODO: add to constructor so we can call the micErrorCallback
if (navigator.mediaDevices) {
// Shim from
if (navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia === undefined) {
navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia = function(constraints) {
// First get ahold of the legacy getUserMedia, if present
var getUserMedia = navigator.webkitGetUserMedia || navigator.mozGetUserMedia;
// Some browsers just don't implement it - return a rejected promise with an error // to keep a consistent interface
if (!getUserMedia) {
return Promise.reject(new Error('getUserMedia is not implemented in this browser'));
// Otherwise, wrap the call to the old navigator.getUserMedia with a Promise
return new Promise(function(resolve, reject) {, constraints, resolve, reject);
} else {
console.log('No mediaDevices: loaded from insecure site?');