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Email: steve@scphillips.com
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import MorseKeyer from './morse-pro-keyer';

    The Morse iambic keyer tests for input on a timer, plays the appropriate tone and passes the data to a decoder.
    If both keys are detected at once then this class alternates between dit and dah.
    If iambic B mode is selected then if both keys were pressed and are then release, an additional dit or dah is sent.
    Set 'ditGoesFirst' to define whether to play dit or dah first.
    Arguments: see MorseKeyer

export default class MorseIambicKeyer extends MorseKeyer {
     * @param {Object} params - optional parameters.
     * @param {function(): number} params.keyCallback - A function which should return 0, 1, 2, or 3 from the vitual "paddle" depending if nothing, a dit, a dah or both is detected. This implementation will play dits if both keys are detected.
     * @param {MorseDecoder} params.decoder - Configured MorseDecoder.
     * @param {MorsePlayerWAA} params.player - Configured MorsePlayerWAA.
     * @param {boolean} [params.iambicA=true] - if true then use iambic A mode, otherwise use iambic B mode (which sends an additional dit or dah when squeeze is released).
    constructor({keyCallback, decoder, player, iambicA=true}) {
        super({keyCallback, decoder, player});
        this.ditGoesFirst = true;  // if the initial signal is 3 then alternate but play a dit first
        this.iambicA = iambicA;

     * @override
     * @access private
    _ditOrDah(input) {
        var ditOrDah = undefined;
        switch(input) {
            case 0:
                if (!this.iambicA) {
                    // iambic B mode
                    if (this._lastInput === 3) {
                        // gone from both to nothing
                        // once paddles are released, send one more dit or dah
                        ditOrDah = !this._lastDitOrDah;
            case 1:
                ditOrDah = true;
            case 2:
                ditOrDah = false;
            case 3:
                if (this._lastDitOrDah === undefined) {
                    ditOrDah = this.ditGoesFirst;
                } else {
                    ditOrDah = !this._lastDitOrDah;
        this._lastDitOrDah = ditOrDah;
        this._lastInput = input;
        return ditOrDah;