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This code is © Copyright Stephen C. Phillips, 2018.
Email: steve@scphillips.com
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import Morse from './morse-pro';

const MS_IN_MINUTE = 60000;  /** number of milliseconds in 1 minute */

 * Class to create the on/off timings needed by e.g. sound generators. Timings are in milliseconds; "off" timings are negative.
 * @example
 * import MorseCW from 'morse-pro-cw';
 * var morseCW = new MorseCW();
 * var tokens = morseCW.text2morse("abc");
 * var timings = morseCW.morseTokens2timing(tokens);
export default class MorseCW extends Morse {
     * @param {Object} params - dictionary of optional parameters.
     * @param {string} [params.dictionary='international'] - which dictionary to use, e.g. 'international' or 'american'.
     * @param {string[]} [params.dictionaryOptions=[]] - optional additional dictionaries such as 'prosigns'.
     * @param {number} [params.wpm=20] - speed in words per minute using "PARIS " as the standard word.
     * @param {number} [params.fwpm=wpm] - farnsworth speed.
    constructor({dictionary, dictionaryOptions, wpm=20, fwpm=wpm} = {}) {
        super({dictionary, dictionaryOptions});
        /** The element of the dictionary that the ratios are based off */
        this._baseElement = this.dictionary.baseElement;
        /** In initialise the ratios based on the dictionary but enable them to be changed thereafter */
        this.ratios = this.dictionary.ratio;  // actually does a copy from the dict so we can reset if needed
        /** Compute ditsInParis and spacesInParis while we have original ratio */
        let parisMorseTokens = this.textTokens2morse(this.tokeniseRawText('PARIS')).morse;
        this._ditsInParis = this.getDuration(this.morseTokens2timing(parisMorseTokens, this.ratios)) + Math.abs(this.ratios.wordSpace);
        this._spacesInParis = Math.abs((4 * this.ratios.charSpace) + this.ratios.wordSpace);
        /** Initialise wpm and fwpm (this potentially changes the ratios) */

     * Set the WPM speed. Ensures that Farnsworth WPM is no faster than WPM.
     * @param {number} wpm
    setWPM(wpm) {
        this._baseLength = undefined;
        this._ratios = undefined;
        this._lengths = undefined;

        wpm = Math.max(1, wpm || 1);
        this._wpm = wpm;
        this._fwpm = Math.min(this._wpm, this._fwpm);

        let tmp = this.ratios;
        tmp = this.baseLength;
        return wpm;

    /** @type {number} */
    get wpm() {
        return this._wpm;

    testWPMmatchesRatio() {
        return this.ratios['-'] == this.dictionary.ratio['-'] && this.ratios[' '] == this.dictionary.ratio[' '];

     * Set the Farnsworth WPM speed. Ensures that WPM is no slower than Farnsworth WPM.
     * @param {number} fwpm
    setFWPM(fwpm) {
        fwpm = Math.max(1, fwpm || 1);
        this._fwpm = fwpm;
        this.setWPM(Math.max(this._wpm, this._fwpm))
        return fwpm;

    /** @type {number} */
    get fwpm() {
        return this._fwpm;

    testFWPMmatchesRatio() {
        // need to test approximately here otherwise with the rounding errors introduced in the web page input it would never return true
        return Math.abs((this.ratios['wordSpace'] / this.dictionary.ratio['wordSpace']) / (this.ratios['charSpace'] / this.dictionary.ratio['charSpace']) - 1) < 0.001;

    /** @type {number[]} */
    get ratios() {
        if (this._ratios === undefined) {
            this._ratios = {};
            Object.assign(this._ratios, this.dictionary.ratio);
            let farnsworthRatio = this.farnsworthRatio;
            this._ratios['charSpace'] *= farnsworthRatio;
            this._ratios['wordSpace'] *= farnsworthRatio;
        return this._ratios;

     * Set the ratio of each element and normalise to the base element/
     * For the space elements, the ratio is negative.
     * @param {Map} r - a Map from element to ratio (as defined in the 'ratio' element of a dictionary)
    set ratios(r) {
        this._wpm = undefined;
        this._fwpm = undefined;
        this._lengths = undefined;

        this._ratios = {};
        Object.assign(this._ratios, r);
        for (let element in this._ratios) {
            this._ratios[element] /= this._ratios[this._baseElement];

    setRatio(element, ratio) {
        let tmp = this.ratios;
        this._ratios[element] = ratio;
        this._lengths = undefined;

        if (this.testWPMmatchesRatio()) {
            if (this.testFWPMmatchesRatio()) {
            } else {
                this._fwpm = undefined;
        } else {
            this._wpm = undefined;
            this._fwpm = undefined;

     * Return an array of millisecond timings.
     * With the Farnsworth method, the morse characters are played at one
     * speed and the spaces between characters at a slower speed.
     * @param {Array} morseTokens - array of morse tokens corresponding to the ratio element of the dictionary used, e.g. [['..', '.-'], ['--', '...']]
     * @param {Object} [lengths=this.lengths] - dictionary mapping element to duration with negative duration for spaces
     * @return {number[]}
    morseTokens2timing(morseTokens, lengths=this.lengths) {
        let timings = [];
        for (let word of morseTokens) {
            for (let char of word) {
                timings = timings.concat(char.split('').map(symbol => lengths[symbol]));
                timings = timings.concat(lengths.charSpace);
            timings = timings.concat(lengths.wordSpace);
        return timings;

     * Add up all the millisecond timings in a list
     * @param {Array} timings - list of millisecond timings (-ve for spaces)
    getDuration(timings) {
        return timings.reduce(
            (accumulator, currentValue) => accumulator + Math.abs(currentValue),

     * Get the Farnsworth dit length to dit length ratio
     * @return {number}
    get farnsworthRatio() {
        // Compute fditlen / ditlen
        // This should be >1 and it is what you need to multiply the standard charSpace and wordSpace ratios by to get the adjusted farnsworth ratios
        // "PARIS " is 31 units for the characters and 19 units for the inter-character spaces and inter-word space
        // One unit takes 1 * 60 / (50 * wpm)
        // The 31 units should take 31 * 60 / (50 * wpm) seconds at wpm
        // "PARIS " should take 50 * 60 / (50 * fwpm) to transmit at fwpm, or 60 / fwpm  seconds at fwpm
        // Keeping the time for the characters constant,
        // The spaces need to take: (60 / fwpm) - [31 * 60 / (50 * wpm)] seconds in total
        // The spaces are 4 inter-character spaces of 3 units and 1 inter-word space of 7 units. Their ratio must be maintained.
        // A space unit is: [(60 / fwpm) - [31 * 60 / (50 * wpm)]] / 19 seconds
        // Comparing that to 60 / (50 * wpm) gives a ratio of (50.wpm - 31.fwpm) / 19.fwpm
        return (this._ditsInParis * this._wpm - (this._ditsInParis - this._spacesInParis) * this._fwpm) / (this._spacesInParis * this._fwpm);

     * Force the WPM to match the base length without changing anything else
    _setWPMfromBaseLength() {
        this._wpm = (MS_IN_MINUTE / this._ditsInParis) / this._baseLength;

     * Set the WPM given dit length in ms
     * @param {number} ditLen
    setWPMfromDitLen(ditLen) {
        this.setWPM((MS_IN_MINUTE / this._ditsInParis) / ditLen);

     * Force the FWPM to match the fditlen/ditlen ratio without changing anything else
    _setFWPMfromRatio() {
        let ratio = Math.abs((this.lengths['charSpace'] / 3) / this.lengths['.']);
        this._fwpm = this._ditsInParis * this._wpm / (this._spacesInParis * ratio + (this._ditsInParis - this._spacesInParis));

     * Set the Farnsworth WPM given ratio of fditlength / ditlength
     * @param {number} ratio
     setFWPMfromRatio(ratio) {
        ratio = Math.max(Math.abs(ratio), 1);  // take abs just in case someone passes in something -ve
        this.setFWPM(this._ditsInParis * this._wpm / (this._spacesInParis * ratio + (this._ditsInParis - this._spacesInParis)));

     * Get the length of the base element (i.e. a dit) in milliseconds
     * @return {number}
    get baseLength() {
        this._baseLength = this._baseLength || (MS_IN_MINUTE / this._ditsInParis) / this._wpm;
        return this._baseLength;

     * Calculate and return the millisecond duration of each element, using negative durations for spaces.
     * @returns Map
    get lengths() {
        if (this._lengths === undefined) {
            this._lengths = {};
            this._maxLength = 0;
            Object.assign(this._lengths, this.ratios);
            for (let element in this._lengths) {
                this._lengths[element] *= this._baseLength;
                this._maxLength = Math.max(this._maxLength, this._lengths[element]);
        return this._lengths;  // this is just a cache for speed, the ratios define the lengths

     * Return the length of the longest beep in milliseconds.
     * @returns {number}
    get maxLength() {
        if (this._lengths === undefined) {
            let tmp = this.lengths;
        return this._maxLength;

    setLength(element, length) {
        if (element == this._baseElement) {
            this._lengths = undefined;
            this._wpm = undefined;
            this._fwpm = undefined;

            this._baseLength = length;
        this.setRatio(element, length / this._baseLength);

     * Get the absolute duration of the space between words in ms.
     * @type {number}
    get wordSpace() {
        return Math.abs(this.lengths.wordSpace);