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This code is © Copyright Stephen C. Phillips, 2018.
Email: steve@scphillips.com
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import * as WPM from './morse-pro-wpm';
import MorseMessage from './morse-pro-message';

 * Class to create the on/off timings needed by e.g. sound generators. Timings are in milliseconds; "off" timings are negative.
 * @example
 * import MorseCW from 'morse-pro-cw';
 * var morseCW = new MorseCW();
 * morseCW.translate("abc");
 * var timings = morseCW.getTimings();
export default class MorseCW extends MorseMessage {
     * @param {boolean} [prosigns=true] - whether or not to include prosigns in the translations
     * @param {number} [wpm=20] - the speed in words per minute using PARIS as the standard word
     * @param {number} [fwpm=wpm] - the Farnsworth speed in words per minute (defaults to wpm)
     * @deprecated
    constructor(useProsigns = true, wpm = 20, fwpm = wpm) {
        /** @type {number} */
        this.wpm = wpm;
        /** @type {number} */
        this.fwpm = fwpm;

     * Set the WPM speed. Ensures that Farnsworth WPM is no faster than WPM.
     * @type {number} */
    set wpm(wpm) {
        this._wpm = wpm;
        if (wpm < this._fwpm) {
            this._fwpm = wpm;

    /** @type {number} */
    get wpm() {
        return this._wpm;

     * Set the Farnsworth WPM speed. Ensures that WPM is no slower than Farnsworth WPM.
     *  @type {number} */
    set fwpm(fwpm) {
        this._fwpm = fwpm;
        if (fwpm > this._wpm) {
            this._wpm = fwpm;

    /** @type {number} */
    get fwpm() {
        return this._fwpm;

     * Get the length of the space between words in ms.
     * @type {number} */
    get wordSpace() {
        return WPM.wordSpace(this._wpm, this._fwpm);

     * Return an array of millisecond timings.
     * With the Farnsworth method, the morse characters are played at one
     * speed and the spaces between characters at a slower speed.
     * @return {number[]}
    getTimings() {
        return MorseCW.getTimingsGeneral(
            WPM.charSpace(this._wpm, this._fwpm),
            WPM.wordSpace(this._wpm, this._fwpm),

     * Return an array of millisecond timings.
     * Each sound and space has a duration. The durations of the spaces are distinguished by being negative.
     * @param {number} dit - the length of a dit in milliseconds
     * @param {number} dah - the length of a dah in milliseconds (normally 3 * dit)
     * @param {number} ditSpace - the length of an intra-character space in milliseconds (1 * dit)
     * @param {number} charSpace - the length of an inter-character space in milliseconds (normally 3 * dit)
     * @param {number} wordSpace - the length of an inter-word space in milliseconds (normally 7 * dit)
     * @param {string} morse - the (canonical) morse code string (matching [.-/ ]*)
     * @return {number[]}
    static getTimingsGeneral(dit, dah, ditSpace, charSpace, wordSpace, morse) {
        //console.log("Morse: " + morse);
        morse = morse.replace(/ \/ /g, '/');  // this means that a space is only used for inter-character
        morse = morse.replace(/([\.\-])(?=[\.\-])/g, "$1+");  // put a + in between all dits and dahs
        var times = [];
        for (var i = 0; i < morse.length; i++) {
            switch (morse[i]) {
                case '.':
                case '-':
                case '+':
                case " ":
                case "/":
        //console.log("Timings: " + times);
        return times;

     * Get the total duration of the message in ms
     8 @return {number}
    getDuration() {
        var times = this.getTimings();
        var t = 0;
        for (var i = 0; i < times.length; i++) {
            t += Math.abs(times[i]);
        return t;