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This code is © Copyright Stephen C. Phillips, 2018.
Email: steve@scphillips.com
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 * Basic methods to translate Morse code.

import Morse from "./morse-pro.js";

 * Translate text to morse in '..- .. / --' form.
 * If something in the text is untranslatable then it is surrounded by hash-signs ('#') and a hash is placed in the morse.
 * @param {string} text - alphanumeric message
 * @param {boolean} useProsigns - true if prosigns are to be used (default is true)
 * @return {{message: string, morse: string, hasError: boolean}}
 * @deprecated
export function text2morse(text, useProsigns = true) {
    let ret = {
        morse: "",
        message: "",
        hasError: false
    if (text === "") {
        return ret;

    let morse = new Morse({dictionary: 'international', useProsigns});
    let textTokens = morse.tokeniseText(text);
    let tme = morse.textTokens2morse(textTokens);

    for (let w = 0; w < tme.text.length; w++) {
        for (let c = 0; c < tme.text[w].length; c++) {
            let t = tme.text[w][c];
            let m = tme.morse[w][c];
            if (tme.error[w][c]) {
                ret.message += "#" + t + "#";
                ret.morse += "# ";
            } else {
                ret.message += t;
                ret.morse += m.replace(/ /g, '') + " ";
        ret.message += ' ';
        ret.morse += '/ ';
    ret.message = ret.message.slice(0, ret.message.length - 1);
    ret.morse = ret.morse.slice(0, ret.morse.length - 3);
    ret.hasError = tme.hasError;
    return ret;

 * Translate text to morse in 'Di-di-dah dah' form.
 * @param {string} text - alphanumeric message
 * @param {boolean} useProsigns - true if prosigns are to be used (default is true)
 * @return {string}
 * @deprecated
export function text2ditdah(text, useProsigns) {
    // TODO: deal with errors in the translation
    var ditdah = text2morse(text, useProsigns).morse + ' '; // get the dots and dashes
    ditdah = ditdah.replace(/\./g, 'di~').replace(/\-/g, 'dah~'); // do the basic job
    ditdah = ditdah.replace(/~/g, '-'); // replace placeholder with dash
    ditdah = ditdah.replace(/\- /g, ' '); // remove trailing dashes
    ditdah = ditdah.replace(/di /g, 'dit '); // use 'dit' at end of letter
    ditdah = ditdah.replace(/ \/ /g, ', '); // do punctuation
    ditdah = ditdah.replace(/^d/, 'D'); // do capitalisation
    ditdah = ditdah.replace(/ $/, ''); // remove the space we added
    ditdah = ditdah.replace(/([th])$/, '$1.'); // add full-stop if there is anything there
    return ditdah;

 * Canonicalise morse text.
 * Canonical form matches [.-/ ]*, has single spaces between characters, has words separated by ' / ', and has no spaces at the start or end.
 * A single '/' may be returned by this function.
 * @param {string} morse - Morse code matching [.-_/| ]*
 * @return {string} Morse code in canonical form matching [.-/ ]*
 * @deprecated
export function tidyMorse(morse) {
    let morseInstance = new Morse();
    return morseInstance.displayMorse(morseInstance.tokeniseMorse(morse));

 * Translate morse to text. Canonicalise the morse first.
 * If something in the morse is untranslatable then it is surrounded by hash-signs ('#') and a hash is placed in the text.
 * @param {string} morse - morse message using [.-_/| ] characters
 * @param {boolean} useProsigns - true if prosigns are to be used (default is true)
 * @return {{message: string, morse: string, hasError: boolean}}
 * @deprecated
export function morse2text(morse, useProsigns = true) {
    let ret = {
        morse: "",
        message: "",
        hasError: false
    if (morse === "") {
        return ret;

    let morseInstance = new Morse({dictionary: 'international', useProsigns});
    let morseTokens = morseInstance.tokeniseMorse(morse);
    let tme = morseInstance.morseTokens2text(morseTokens);
    // console.log(tme);

    for (let w = 0; w < tme.morse.length; w++) {
        for (let c = 0; c < tme.morse[w].length; c++) {
            let t = tme.text[w][c];
            let m = tme.morse[w][c].replace(/ /g, '');
            if (tme.error[w][c]) {
                ret.message += "#";
                ret.morse += "#" + m + "# ";
            } else {
                ret.message += t;
                ret.morse += m + " ";
        ret.message += ' ';
        ret.morse += '/ ';
    ret.message = ret.message.slice(0, ret.message.length - 1);
    ret.morse = ret.morse.slice(0, ret.morse.length - 2).trim();
    ret.hasError = tme.hasError;
    return ret;

 * Determine whether a string is most likely morse code.
 * @param {string} input - the text
 * @return {boolean} - true if the string only has Morse characters in after executing tidyMorse
 * @deprecated
export function looksLikeMorse(input) {
    let morse = new Morse({dictionary: 'international'});
    return morse.looksLikeMorse(input);