Do you want to build an automated test for your app? Do you want your tests to go beyond component-level unit testing and really exercise your app end-to-end? Perception Simulation is what you’re looking for. The Perception Simulation library sends human and world input data to your app so you can automate your tests. For example, you can simulate the input of a human looking to a specific, repeatable position and then use a gesture or motion controller.
Perception Simulation can send simulated input like this to a physical HoloLens, the HoloLens emulator (first gen), the HoloLens 2 Emulator, or a PC with Mixed Reality Portal installed. Perception Simulation bypasses the live sensors on a Mixed Reality device and sends simulated input to applications running on the device. Applications receive these input events through the same APIs they always use and can’t tell the difference between running with real sensors versus Perception Simulation. Perception Simulation is the same technology used by the HoloLens emulators to send simulated input to the HoloLens Virtual Machine.
To begin using simulation in your code, start by creating an IPerceptionSimulationManager object. From that object, you can issue commands to control properties of a simulated “human”, including head position, hand position, and gestures. You can also enable and manipulate motion controllers.
Add the following binaries to your project as references (Project->Add->Reference…). You can find them in %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft XDE\(version), such as %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft XDE\10.0.18362.0 for the HoloLens 2 Emulator.
[!Note] Although the binaries are part of the HoloLens 2 Emulator, they also work for Windows Mixed Reality on the desktop.)
a. PerceptionSimulationManager.Interop.dll - Managed C# wrapper for Perception Simulation.
b. PerceptionSimulationRest.dll - Library for setting up a web-socket communication channel to the HoloLens or emulator.
c. SimulationStream.Interop.dll - Shared types for simulation.
Add the implementation binary PerceptionSimulationManager.dll to your project
a. First add it as a binary to the project (Project->Add->Existing Item…). Save it as a link so that it doesn’t copy it to your project source folder.
b. Then make sure that it gets copied to your output folder on build. This is in the property sheet for the binary.
To control simulation, you’ll issue updates to objects retrieved from an IPerceptionSimulationManager object. The first step is to get that object and connect it to your target device or emulator. You can get the IP address of your emulator by clicking on the Device Portal button in the toolbar
Open Device Portal: Open the Windows Device Portal for the HoloLens OS in the emulator. For Windows Mixed Reality, this can be retrieved in the Settings app under “Update & Security”, then “For developers” in the “Connect using:” section under “Enable Device Portal.” Be sure to note both the IP address and port.
First, you’ll call RestSimulationStreamSink.Create to get a RestSimulationStreamSink object. This is the target device or emulator that you’ll control over an http connection. Your commands will be passed to and handled by the Windows Device Portal running on the device or emulator. The four parameters you’ll need to create an object are:
Second, you’ll create the IPerceptionSimulationManager. This is the object you use to control simulation. This must also be done in an async method.
An IPerceptionSimulationManager has a Human property that returns an ISimulatedHuman object. To control the simulated human, perform operations on this object. For example:
manager.Human.Move(new Vector3(0.1f, 0.0f, 0.0f))
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.PerceptionSimulation;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
Task.Run(async () =>
RestSimulationStreamSink sink = null;
CancellationToken token = new System.Threading.CancellationToken();
sink = await RestSimulationStreamSink.Create(
// use the IP address for your device/emulator
new Uri(""),
// no credentials are needed for the emulator
new System.Net.NetworkCredential("", ""),
// normal priorty
// cancel token
IPerceptionSimulationManager manager = PerceptionSimulationManager.CreatePerceptionSimulationManager(sink);
catch (Exception e)
// Always close the sink to return control to the previous application.
if (sink != null)
await sink.Close(token);
// If main exits, the process exits.
Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit...");
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.PerceptionSimulation;
namespace ConsoleApplication1
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
RestSimulationStreamSink sink = null;
CancellationToken token = new System.Threading.CancellationToken();
Task.Run(async () =>
sink = await RestSimulationStreamSink.Create(
// use the IP address for your device/emulator
new Uri(""),
// no credentials are needed for the emulator
new System.Net.NetworkCredential("", ""),
// normal priorty
// cancel token
IPerceptionSimulationManager manager = PerceptionSimulationManager.CreatePerceptionSimulationManager(sink);
// Now, we'll simulate a sequence of actions.
// Sleeps in-between each action give time to the system
// to be able to properly react.
// This is just an example. A proper automated test should verify
// that the app has behaved correctly
// before proceeding to the next step, instead of using Sleeps.
// Activate the right hand
manager.Human.RightHand.Activated = true;
// Simulate Bloom gesture, which should cause Shell to disappear
// Simulate Bloom gesture again... this time, Shell should reappear
// Simulate a Head rotation down around the X axis
// This should cause gaze to aim about the center of the screen
manager.Human.Head.Rotate(new Rotation3(0.04f, 0.0f, 0.0f));
// Simulate a finger press & release
// Should cause a tap on the center tile, thus launching it
// Simulate a second finger press & release
// Should activate the app that was launched when the center tile was clicked
// Simulate a Head rotation towards the upper right corner
manager.Human.Head.Rotate(new Rotation3(-0.14f, 0.17f, 0.0f));
// Simulate a third finger press & release
// Should press the Remove button on the app
// Simulate Bloom gesture again... bringing the Shell back once more
catch (Exception e)
// If main exits, the process exits.
Console.WriteLine("Press any key to exit...");
// Always close the sink to return control to the previous application.
if (sink != null)
Before calling any properties on methods on a simulated 6-DOF controller, you must activate the controller. Not doing so will result in an exception. Starting with the Windows 10 May 2019 Update, simulated 6-DOF controllers can be installed and activated by setting the Status property on the ISimulatedSixDofController object to SimulatedSixDofControllerStatus.Active. In the Windows 10 October 2018 Update and earlier, you must separately install a simulated 6-DOF controller first by calling the PerceptionSimulationDevice tool located in the \Windows\System32 folder. The usage of this tool is as follows:
PerceptionSimulationDevice.exe <action> 6dof <instance>
For example
PerceptionSimulationDevice.exe i 6dof 1
Supported actions are:
Supported instances are:
The exit code of the process will indicate success (a zero return value) or failure (a non-zero return value). When using the ‘q’ action to query whether a controller is installed, the return value will be zero (0) if the controller isn’t already installed or one (1) if the controller is installed.
When removing a controller on the Windows 10 October 2018 Update or earlier, set its status to Off via the API first, then call the PerceptionSimulationDevice tool.
This tool must be run as Administrator.
Describes a simulated device type
public enum SimulatedDeviceType
Reference = 0
A fictitious reference device, the default for PerceptionSimulationManager
Describes a head tracker mode
public enum HeadTrackerMode
Default = 0,
Orientation = 1,
Position = 2
Default Head Tracking. This means the system may select the best head tracking mode based upon runtime conditions.
Orientation Only Head Tracking. This means that the tracked position may not be reliable, and some functionality dependent on head position may not be available.
Positional Head Tracking. This means that the tracked head position and orientation are both reliable
Describes a simulated gesture
public enum SimulatedGesture
None = 0,
FingerPressed = 1,
FingerReleased = 2,
Home = 4,
Max = Home
A sentinel value used to indicate no gestures.
A finger pressed gesture.
A finger released gesture.
The home/system gesture.
The maximum valid gesture.
The possible states of a simulated 6-DOF controller.
public enum SimulatedSixDofControllerStatus
Off = 0,
Active = 1,
TrackingLost = 2,
The 6-DOF controller is turned off.
The 6-DOF controller is turned on and tracked.
The 6-DOF controller is turned on but cannot be tracked.
The supported buttons on a simulated 6-DOF controller.
public enum SimulatedSixDofControllerButton
None = 0,
Home = 1,
Menu = 2,
Grip = 4,
TouchpadPress = 8,
Select = 16,
TouchpadTouch = 32,
Thumbstick = 64,
Max = Thumbstick
A sentinel value used to indicate no buttons.
The Home button is pressed.
The Menu button is pressed.
The Grip button is pressed.
The TouchPad is pressed.
The Select button is pressed.
The TouchPad is touched.
The Thumbstick is pressed.
The maximum valid button.
The calibration state of the simulated eyes
public enum SimulatedGesture
Unavailable = 0,
Ready = 1,
Configuring = 2,
UserCalibrationNeeded = 3
The eyes calibration is unavailable.
The eyes have been calibrated. This is the default value.
The eyes are being calibrated.
The eyes need to be calibrated.
The tracking accuracy of a joint of the hand.
public enum SimulatedHandJointTrackingAccuracy
Unavailable = 0,
Approximate = 1,
Visible = 2
The joint isn’t tracked.
The joint position is inferred.
The joint is fully tracked.
The tracking accuracy of a joint of the hand.
public enum SimulatedHandPose
Closed = 0,
Open = 1,
Point = 2,
Pinch = 3,
Max = Pinch
The hand’s finger joints are configured to reflect a closed pose.
The hand’s finger joints are configured to reflect an open pose.
The hand’s finger joints are configured to reflect a pointing pose.
The hand’s finger joints are configured to reflect a pinching pose.
The maximum valid value for SimulatedHandPose.
Describes the state of a playback.
public enum PlaybackState
Stopped = 0,
Playing = 1,
Paused = 2,
End = 3,
The recording is currently stopped and ready for playback.
The recording is currently playing.
The recording is currently paused.
The recording has reached the end.
Describes a three components vector, which might describe a point or a vector in 3D space.
public struct Vector3
public float X;
public float Y;
public float Z;
public Vector3(float x, float y, float z);
The X component of the vector.
The Y component of the vector.
The Z component of the vector.
Construct a new Vector3.
Describes a three components rotation.
public struct Rotation3
public float Pitch;
public float Yaw;
public float Roll;
public Rotation3(float pitch, float yaw, float roll);
The Pitch component of the Rotation, down around the X axis.
The Yaw component of the Rotation, right around the Y axis.
The Roll component of the Rotation, right around the Z axis.
Construct a new Rotation3.
Describes the configuration of a joint on a simulated hand.
public struct SimulatedHandJointConfiguration
public Vector3 Position;
public Rotation3 Rotation;
public SimulatedHandJointTrackingAccuracy TrackingAccuracy;
The position of the joint.
The rotation of the joint.
The tracking accuracy of the joint.
Describes a view frustum, as typically used by a camera.
public struct Frustum
float Near;
float Far;
float FieldOfView;
float AspectRatio;
The minimum distance that is contained in the frustum.
The maximum distance that is contained in the frustum.
The horizontal field of view of the frustum, in radians (less than PI).
The ratio of horizontal field of view to vertical field of view.
Describes the configuration of the simulated headset’s display.
public struct SimulatedDisplayConfiguration
public Vector3 LeftEyePosition;
public Rotation3 LeftEyeRotation;
public Vector3 RightEyePosition;
public Rotation3 RightEyeRotation;
public float Ipd;
public bool ApplyEyeTransforms;
public bool ApplyIpd;
The transform from the center of the head to the left eye for purposes of stereo rendering.
The rotation of the left eye for purposes of stereo rendering.
The transform from the center of the head to the right eye for purposes of stereo rendering.
The rotation of the right eye for purposes of stereo rendering.
The Ipd value reported by the system for purposes of stereo rendering.
Whether the values provided for left and right eye transforms should be considered valid and applied to the running system.
Whether the value provided for Ipd should be considered valid and applied to the running system.
Root for generating the packets used to control a device.
public interface IPerceptionSimulationManager
ISimulatedDevice Device { get; }
ISimulatedHuman Human { get; }
void Reset();
Retrieve the simulated device object that interprets the simulated human and the simulated world.
Retrieve the object that controls the simulated human.
Resets the simulation to its default state.
Interface describing the device, which interprets the simulated world and the simulated human
public interface ISimulatedDevice
ISimulatedHeadTracker HeadTracker { get; }
ISimulatedHandTracker HandTracker { get; }
void SetSimulatedDeviceType(SimulatedDeviceType type);
Retrieve the Head Tracker from the Simulated Device.
Retrieve the Hand Tracker from the Simulated Device.
Set the properties of the simulated device to match the provided device type.
Additional properties are available by casting the ISimulatedDevice to ISimulatedDevice2
public interface ISimulatedDevice2
bool IsUserPresent { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] get; [param: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] set; }
SimulatedDisplayConfiguration DisplayConfiguration { get; set; }
Retrieve or set whether or not the simulated human is actively wearing the headset.
Retrieve or set the properties of the simulated display.
Interface describing the portion of the simulated device that tracks the head of the simulated human.
public interface ISimulatedHeadTracker
HeadTrackerMode HeadTrackerMode { get; set; }
Retrieves and sets the current head tracker mode.
Interface describing the portion of the simulated device that tracks the hands of the simulated human
public interface ISimulatedHandTracker
Vector3 WorldPosition { get; }
Vector3 Position { get; set; }
float Pitch { get; set; }
bool FrustumIgnored { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] get; [param: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] set; }
Frustum Frustum { get; set; }
Retrieve the position of the node with relation to the world, in meters.
Retrieve and set the position of the simulated hand tracker, relative to the center of the head.
Retrieve and set the downward pitch of the simulated hand tracker.
Retrieve and set whether the frustum of the simulated hand tracker is ignored. When ignored, both hands are always visible. When not ignored (the default) hands are only visible when they are within the frustum of the hand tracker.
Retrieve and set the frustum properties used to determine if hands are visible to the simulated hand tracker.
Top-level interface for controlling the simulated human.
public interface ISimulatedHuman
Vector3 WorldPosition { get; set; }
float Direction { get; set; }
float Height { get; set; }
ISimulatedHand LeftHand { get; }
ISimulatedHand RightHand { get; }
ISimulatedHead Head { get; }s
void Move(Vector3 translation);
void Rotate(float radians);
Retrieve and set the position of the node with relation to the world, in meters. The position corresponds to a point at the center of the human’s feet.
Retrieve and set the direction the simulated human faces in the world. 0 radians faces down the negative Z axis. Positive radians rotate clockwise about the Y axis.
Retrieve and set the height of the simulated human, in meters.
Retrieve the left hand of the simulated human.
Retrieve the right hand of the simulated human.
Retrieve the head of the simulated human.
Move the simulated human relative to its current position, in meters.
Rotate the simulated human relative to its current direction, clockwise about the Y axis
Additional properties are available by casting the ISimulatedHuman to ISimulatedHuman2
public interface ISimulatedHuman2
/* New members in addition to those available on ISimulatedHuman */
ISimulatedSixDofController LeftController { get; }
ISimulatedSixDofController RightController { get; }
Retrieve the left 6-DOF controller.
Retrieve the right 6-DOF controller.
Interface describing a hand of the simulated human
public interface ISimulatedHand
Vector3 WorldPosition { get; }
Vector3 Position { get; set; }
bool Activated { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] get; [param: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] set; }
bool Visible { [return: MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Bool)] get; }
void EnsureVisible();
void Move(Vector3 translation);
void PerformGesture(SimulatedGesture gesture);
Retrieve the position of the node with relation to the world, in meters.
Retrieve and set the position of the simulated hand relative to the human, in meters.
Retrieve and set whether the hand is currently activated.
Retrieve whether the hand is currently visible to the SimulatedDevice (that is, whether it’s in a position to be detected by the HandTracker).
Move the hand such that it is visible to the SimulatedDevice.
Move the position of the simulated hand relative to its current position, in meters.
Perform a gesture using the simulated hand. It will only be detected by the system if the hand is enabled.
Additional properties are available by casting an ISimulatedHand to ISimulatedHand2.
public interface ISimulatedHand2
/* New members in addition to those available on ISimulatedHand */
Rotation3 Orientation { get; set; }
Retrieve or set the rotation of the simulated hand. Positive radians rotate clockwise when looking along the axis.
Additional properties are available by casting an ISimulatedHand to ISimulatedHand3
public interface ISimulatedHand3
/* New members in addition to those available on ISimulatedHand and ISimulatedHand2 */
GetJointConfiguration(SimulatedHandJoint joint, out SimulatedHandJointConfiguration jointConfiguration);
SetJointConfiguration(SimulatedHandJoint joint, SimulatedHandJointConfiguration jointConfiguration);
SetHandPose(SimulatedHandPose pose, bool animate);
Get the joint configuration for the specified joint.
Set the joint configuration for the specified joint.
Set the hand to a known pose with an optional flag to animate. Note: animating won’t result in joints immediately reflecting their final joint configurations.
Interface describing the head of the simulated human.
public interface ISimulatedHead
Vector3 WorldPosition { get; }
Rotation3 Rotation { get; set; }
float Diameter { get; set; }
void Rotate(Rotation3 rotation);
Retrieve the position of the node with relation to the world, in meters.
Retrieve the rotation of the simulated head. Positive radians rotate clockwise when looking along the axis.
Retrieve the simulated head’s diameter. This value is used to determine the head’s center (point of rotation).
Rotate the simulated head relative to its current rotation. Positive radians rotate clockwise when looking along the axis.
Additional properties are available by casting an ISimulatedHead to ISimulatedHead2
public interface ISimulatedHead2
/* New members in addition to those available on ISimulatedHead */
ISimulatedEyes Eyes { get; }
Retrieve the eyes of the simulated human.
Interface describing a 6-DOF controller associated with the simulated human.
public interface ISimulatedSixDofController
Vector3 WorldPosition { get; }
SimulatedSixDofControllerStatus Status { get; set; }
Vector3 Position { get; }
Rotation3 Orientation { get; set; }
void Move(Vector3 translation);
void PressButton(SimulatedSixDofControllerButton button);
void ReleaseButton(SimulatedSixDofControllerButton button);
void GetTouchpadPosition(out float x, out float y);
void SetTouchpadPosition(float x, float y);
Retrieve the position of the node with relation to the world, in meters.
Retrieve or set the current state of the controller. The controller status must be set to a value other than Off before any calls to move, rotate, or press buttons will succeed.
Retrieve or set the position of the simulated controller relative to the human, in meters.
Retrieve or set the orientation of the simulated controller.
Move the position of the simulated controller relative to its current position, in meters.
Press a button on the simulated controller. It will only be detected by the system if the controller is enabled.
Release a button on the simulated controller. It will only be detected by the system if the controller is enabled.
Microsoft.PerceptionSimulation.ISimulatedSixDofController.GetTouchpadPosition(out float, out float)
Get the position of a simulated finger on the simulated controller’s touchpad.
Microsoft.PerceptionSimulation.ISimulatedSixDofController.SetTouchpadPosition(float, float)
Set the position of a simulated finger on the simulated controller’s touchpad.
Additional properties and methods are available by casting an ISimulatedSixDofController to ISimulatedSixDofController2
public interface ISimulatedSixDofController2
/* New members in addition to those available on ISimulatedSixDofController */
void GetThumbstickPosition(out float x, out float y);
void SetThumbstickPosition(float x, float y);
float BatteryLevel { get; set; }
Microsoft.PerceptionSimulation.ISimulatedSixDofController2.GetThumbstickPosition(out float, out float)
Get the position of the simulated thumbstick on the simulated controller.
Microsoft.PerceptionSimulation.ISimulatedSixDofController2.SetThumbstickPosition(float, float)
Set the position of the simulated thumbstick on the simulated controller.
Retrieve or set the battery level of the simulated controller. The value must be greater than 0.0 and less than or equal to 100.0.
Interface describing the eyes of the simulated human.
public interface ISimulatedEyes
Rotation3 Rotation { get; set; }
void Rotate(Rotation3 rotation);
SimulatedEyesCalibrationState CalibrationState { get; set; }
Vector3 WorldPosition { get; }
Retrieve the rotation of the simulated eyes. Positive radians rotate clockwise when looking along the axis.
Rotate the simulated eyes relative to its current rotation. Positive radians rotate clockwise when looking along the axis.
Retrieves or sets the calibration state of the simulated eyes.
Retrieve the position of the node with relation to the world, in meters.
Interface for interacting with a single recording loaded for playback.
public interface ISimulationRecording
StreamDataTypes DataTypes { get; }
PlaybackState State { get; }
void Play();
void Pause();
void Seek(UInt64 ticks);
void Stop();
Retrieves the list of data types in the recording.
Retrieves the current state of the recording.
Start the playback. If the recording is paused, playback will resume from the paused location; if stopped, playback will start at the beginning. If already playing, this call is ignored.
Pauses the playback at its current location. If the recording is stopped, the call is ignored.
Seeks the recording to the specified time (in 100-nanoseconds intervals from the beginning) and pauses at that location. If the time is beyond the end of the recording, it’s paused at the last frame.
Stops the playback and resets the position to the beginning.
Interface for receiving state changes during playback.
public interface ISimulationRecordingCallback
void PlaybackStateChanged(PlaybackState newState);
Called when an ISimulationRecording’s playback state has changed.
Root object for creating Perception Simulation objects.
public static class PerceptionSimulationManager
public static IPerceptionSimulationManager CreatePerceptionSimulationManager(ISimulationStreamSink sink);
public static ISimulationStreamSink CreatePerceptionSimulationRecording(string path);
public static ISimulationRecording LoadPerceptionSimulationRecording(string path, ISimulationStreamSinkFactory factory);
public static ISimulationRecording LoadPerceptionSimulationRecording(string path, ISimulationStreamSinkFactory factory, ISimulationRecordingCallback callback);
Create on object for generating simulated packets and delivering them to the provided sink.
Return value
The created Manager.
Create a sink, which stores all received packets in a file at the specified path.
Return value
The created sink.
Load a recording from the specified file.
Return value
The loaded recording.
Load a recording from the specified file.
Return value
The loaded recording.
Describes the different types of stream data.
public enum StreamDataTypes
None = 0x00,
Head = 0x01,
Hands = 0x02,
SpatialMapping = 0x08,
Calibration = 0x10,
Environment = 0x20,
SixDofControllers = 0x40,
Eyes = 0x80,
DisplayConfiguration = 0x100
All = None | Head | Hands | SpatialMapping | Calibration | Environment | SixDofControllers | Eyes | DisplayConfiguration
A sentinel value used to indicate no stream data types.
Stream of data for the position and orientation of the head.
Stream of data for the position and gestures of hands.
Stream of data for spatial mapping of the environment.
Stream of data for calibration of the device. Calibration packets are only accepted by a system in Remote Mode.
Stream of data for the environment of the device.
Stream of data for motion controllers.
Stream of data with the eyes of the simulated human.
Stream of data with the display configuration of the device.
A sentinel value used to indicate all recorded data types.
An object that receives data packets from a simulation stream.
public interface ISimulationStreamSink
void OnPacketReceived(uint length, byte[] packet);
Microsoft.PerceptionSimulation.ISimulationStreamSink.OnPacketReceived(uint length, byte[] packet)
Receives a single packet, which is internally typed and versioned.
An object that creates ISimulationStreamSink.
public interface ISimulationStreamSinkFactory
ISimulationStreamSink CreateSimulationStreamSink();
Creates a single instance of ISimulationStreamSink.
Return value
The created sink.