K2C9 Visibility Tool

Enter a sky coordinate below to check if it falls inside the K2 Campaign 9 microlensing region.

/in-microlens-region?pos={POS} [example]
Returns "yes" if the sky coordinate specified by POS is being observed by K2 during Campaign 9, "no" otherwise. POS must be a string specifying a sky coordinate in decimal or sexagesimal format, e.g. "270.0 -28.0", "18h00m00s -28d00m00s", or "18:00:00 -28:00:00". You can supply multiple coordinates separated by commas.

/k2c9.png?pos={POS}&size={SIZE} [example]
Returns a plot showing the K2C9 footprint. Optionally, the coordinate specified by POS can be marked, and the spatial extent of the plot can be specified to be SIZE degrees. See above for the formatting of POS.