

A big shoutout to Samar C. for the name and logo ideas

An Universal Solution to Controlling and Manipulating 3D Objects in ElectronVisualized. iOS, as well as micro:bit versions are in development.

Official Extensions Page

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How to Flash the Microbit Code

  1. Install Thonny IDE on their official website
  2. Download the file located in the microbit folder in the root directory, and open it using Thonny
  3. Navigate to the options, select intrepreter, and change the settings to use MicroPython (BBC micro:bit) instead of the default Python 3.7 (Everything is pre-packaged, so you don’t have to worry about installing an extension or anything like that)
  4. Press the green arrow button on the top to compile the code and push it into your microbit board; make sure the right port is selected for Serial communication between your computer and the microcontroller
  5. Now, last but not least, go to the Extensions page on the official website of ElectronVisualized on Google Chrome that supports WebUSB API, and press the “Communicate with micro:bit” button