A big shoutout to Samar C. for the name and logo ideas
An Universal Solution to Controlling and Manipulating 3D Objects in ElectronVisualized. iOS, as well as micro:bit versions are in development.

How to Flash the Microbit Code
- Install Thonny IDE on their official website
- Download the
file located in the microbit
folder in the root
directory, and open it using Thonny
- Navigate to the options, select intrepreter, and change the settings to use MicroPython (BBC micro:bit) instead of the default Python 3.7 (Everything is pre-packaged, so you don’t have to worry about installing an extension or anything like that)
- Press the green arrow button on the top to compile the code and push it into your microbit board; make sure the right port is selected for Serial communication between your computer and the microcontroller
- Now, last but not least, go to the Extensions page on the official website of ElectronVisualized on Google Chrome that supports WebUSB API, and press the “Communicate with micro:bit” button